Don’t Forget To Remember

December 28 - December 29, 2024 -

Don’t Forget To Remember

Don’t Forget To Remember

Do you ever read through the Bible and get surprised when God's people in the Old Testament betray him? How could they forget all the miracles...

12/28/24 - 12/29/24

Hope vs Despair

Advent 2024

We are not in control. It’s a raw feeling, and it leads to fear and despair. The alternative for us, is to trust that this child that is...

11/30/24 - 12/01/24

Peace vs Anxiety

Advent 2024

According to the American Psychological Association, “Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical...

12/07/24 - 12/08/24

Joy vs Sorrow

Advent 2024

You've likely experienced or are currently experiencing some deep sorrow or suffering in this life. If God is all good and all-powerful, why do we...

12/14/24 - 12/15/24

Love vs Indifference

Advent 2024

The Christmas season is a great time to give and receive love. In reality, if we are honest, it can be a bit tense at times. This season can...

12/21/24 - 12/22/24

Jeremiah | ch. 18-19


Have you ever seen a potter at work? The potter makes the vessel. How silly would it be for the clay to speak and direct the potters hands? When...

02/17/24 - 02/18/24

Jeremiah | ch. 16-17


The first of the Great Empires comes to power from Daniel's prophecy. This paradigm shift is called the Time of The Gentiles. Jeremiah becomes an...

02/10/24 - 02/11/24

Jeremiah | ch. 11-15


“Cursed be the man who does not hear the words of this covenant…” (Jer. 11:3). That’s strong language. We may think of God hurling curses...

02/03/24 - 02/04/24

Jeremiah | ch. 6-10


How teachable are you towards God? What do your prayers reveal? Can you pray “Correct me, O LORD…” as Jeremiah did (10:24)? How quickly we...

01/27/24 - 01/28/24

Jeremiah I ch. 2-5


This weekend we explore the biblical meaning of “whoredom”. What does it mean to walk away from a true love relationship with God, as His...

01/20/24 - 01/21/24

Jeremiah | ch. 1


What are the dynamics of moral decline in a nation? Why does it matter? Should a Christian still speak truth amid opposition? How can we live...

01/13/24 - 01/14/24

Jeremiah | ch. 20


Whoa! Jeremiah is now physically assaulted for the first time. He starts to show signs of depression (erratic behavior). Depression is the natural...

02/24/24 - 02/25/24

Jeremiah I ch. 21-25


In these chapters we learn of the last king of Judah, King Zedekiah. In this saga we learn the way of life and death, what it is to know the...

03/03/24 - 03/04/24

Jeremiah | ch. 26-29


When Jeremiah proclaims a word from the Lord saying “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil,...

03/09/24 - 03/10/24

Jeremiah | ch. 30-31


Comfort in dark times! Judah has been under siege for months and have begun to cannibalize their children (Lamentation 2:20 & 4:10). In their...

03/16/24 - 03/17/24

Jeremiah | ch. 31-32


Have you ever felt stuck? In our passage, Jerusalem was stuck under siege with little hope for the future. We see that king Zedekiah was stuck and...

04/06/24 - 04/07/24

Jeremiah | ch. 33-39


“Sometimes God seems to be killing us when He’s actually saving us.” Tim Keller, Counterfeit Gods. I found out this week that Daniel had...

04/13/24 - 04/14/24

Jeremiah | ch. 40-45


The passage this weekend feels a bit like the Hunger Games. A remnant is left in Judah to fend for themselves. They are driven by fear and by...

04/20/24 - 04/21/24

Jeremiah | ch. 46-51


I saw a T-shirt this week. It said: “Keep believing in yourself. That’s the secret to success.” Is that really true? I think it could be...

04/27/24 - 04/28/24

Hope - The Righteous Branch

Into Marvelous Light

Advent is to live within the tension of the now and not yet. As we await the arrival of Christ, we are told to keep believing, and we are given...

12/02/23 - 12/03/23

Peace - A Strong Shepherd

Into Marvelous Light

Are you a bit wary of bad leadership? The prophet Micah (ca. 700 BC) witnessed failed leadership- national, religious and business leaders who led...

12/09/23 - 12/10/23

Joy - Jesus: A Fierce Warrior

Into Marvelous Light

Some might see the sudden death of a loved one, or a cancer diagnosis or great loss of property through the lens that God is mad at us. It’s...

12/16/23 - 12/17/23

Christmas Eve 2023

Into Marvelous Light

For centuries, God's people awaited a promised King. They caught glimpses of a Messiah through signs, miracles and prophets; but these were...

12/23/23 - 12/24/23

Bless Practices

B.L.E.S.S. Practices

When it comes to sharing our faith with others, we often experience missed opportunities, or feel ill-prepared. In talking with Jason, he...

10/29/22 - 10/30/22

B.L.E.S.S. Practices | Psalm 1

B.L.E.S.S. Practices

Before we can “bless” others, we need to know that we are “blessed”. We may wonder, is “blessedness” possible? What is it, and how do...

07/22/23 - 07/23/23

B.L.E.S.S. Practices | Psalm 144

B.L.E.S.S. Practices

We are not alone! Blessed (happy/satisfied) involves a warrior/King and terms of warfare. We all have a deep desire for peace and prosperity! ...

07/29/23 - 07/30/23

BLESS Practices | 1 Timothy 2:1-4

B.L.E.S.S. Practices

Jesus didn’t “evangelize” people. What were his practices? How did he approach sharing the good news with others? Join us this weekend to...

08/05/23 - 08/06/23

BLESS Practices | Be Listening

B.L.E.S.S. Practices

To listen is to love! David Augsburger, said it well (Caring Enough to Hear and be Heard): “Being heard is as close to being loved that for the...

08/12/23 - 08/13/23

BLESS Practices | Be Eating

B.L.E.S.S. Practices

Meals are a big deal to God. The story of God starts with an invitation to eat in the garden “…you may surely eat…” (Gen. 2:16) and takes...

08/19/23 - 08/20/23

BLESS Practices | Be Serving

B.L.E.S.S. Practices

Serving others can be exhausting. If you are a parent, or in the workplace or connected to culture in any way, there are heavy demands and needs...

08/26/23 - 08/27/23

BLESS Practices | Be Sharing

B.L.E.S.S. Practices

If you have understood the magnitude of what Christ has done for you, in taking you from being an “enemy of God”, (Rom. 5:10), to being...

09/02/23 - 09/03/23

Habakkuk 1:1-12


Habakkuk lived during difficult times in his nation. Most of his people were far from God, and anarchy was beginning to take hold. When he prayed...

07/01/23 - 07/02/23

Habakkuk 1:13-2:20


Waiting in line at Giant, there was a delay at the check-out. So, I switched to another, longer line, because I didn’t want to be stuck. As...

07/08/23 - 07/09/23

Habakkuk 3:1-19


How is it possible to be upset with your circumstances and still rejoice in God? I thought the only times we rejoice is when things are going our...

07/15/23 - 07/16/23

Proverbs | Work


You will likely work 80-100,000 hours in your lifetime. Why do you do it? It is just a necessary evil, or do you want to retire early, or does...

08/07/21 - 08/08/21

Proverbs | How to Get Unstuck


Are you feeling stuck these days? It could be bitterness, or a habit, your health, your work or a situation that has your spinning your wheels. ...

08/14/21 - 08/15/21

Proverbs | Relationships


How many friends do you have? What do you expect from friendship? Has there been a decline in the quality of friendships in America in recent...

08/21/21 - 08/22/21

Wisdom in the Age of Outrage


We live in an age where everything and everybody tells you to be outraged. But how do we as believers engage an outraged world? How do we keep our...

06/03/23 - 06/04/23

The Power of the Tongue in an Age of Criticism


We have all experienced hurt from the words of others or know what it is like to have said something we regretted. As we continue through our...

06/10/23 - 06/11/23

Discerning God’s Will in Uncertain Times


This month, we have been talking about the wisdom of God, especially highlighted in the biblical Proverbs. When discussing wisdom, the Bible often...

06/17/23 - 06/18/23

Friendship in an Age of Loneliness


We live in an age of increasing technological connectedness, yet we are experiencing an alarming level of loneliness across all age groups. We...

06/24/23 - 06/25/23

Numbers 1-4


The Hebrew title for Numbers is, ‘Bemidbar’, meaning, ‘In the wilderness’. The wanderings of Israel are set as an example for us (1...

02/04/23 - 02/05/23

Numbers 5-6


The journey through the wilderness involves purity from disease, and purity in human relationships and with God. What does it mean for us today...

02/11/23 - 02/12/23

Numbers 7-8


If you could go deeper in your relationship with God would you want to? Is there another gear for you? It’s interesting in our passage this week...

02/18/23 - 02/19/23

Numbers 9-10


How do you feel about travel? I generally like to know where I am going and what to take with me. In fact, I think the invention of GPS has...

02/25/23 - 02/26/23

Numbers 11-12


What do you think was the greatest killer for Israel as they wandered in the wilderness? A. Malnutrition B. Dehydration C. Complaining ...

03/04/23 - 03/05/23

Numbers 13-14


It’s decision time! What do you really believe about God? Israel is at the ‘El Paso’ border town preparing to enter the land of Promise. ...

03/11/23 - 03/12/23

Numbers 15


After the hard-hearted rejection of God, He still speaks to Israel and reminds them of their bright future. In our passage we find out that grace...

03/18/23 - 03/19/23

Numbers 16-17


What a story! Moses and Aaron took the brunt of anger from the people while still consistently standing in the gap for them. That’s what Jesus...

03/25/23 - 03/26/23

Numbers 18-19


Don’t let your failures keep you from a close relationship with God. Israel was so struck by their failures that they cried out, “…Everyone...

04/01/23 - 04/02/23

Numbers 20-21


Dehydration is serious! A dry mouth, headaches, muscle cramps, fatigue, an increased heart rate…it’s like you are starting to die. Through...

04/15/23 - 04/16/23

Numbers 22-24


We are always wondering about the future, and looking to solicit whatever help we can get. No different in our passage this week (we even get a...

04/22/23 - 04/23/23

Numbers 25


Powerful things happen if you let an infant diaper marinate in a hot car. Everything looks fine from the outside but on the inside – Dang!...

04/29/23 - 04/30/23

Numbers 26-30


We will dive into the "new generation" heading into the land of Promise! It's a new day for them. It requires reorganization. A new census, some...

05/06/23 - 05/07/23

Numbers 31


Question: Should parents let kids behave however they want to? (i.e.- “You do you.”). Is that loving? This weekend we are going to...

05/13/23 - 05/14/23

Numbers 32


Several tribes of Israel wanted to remain on the other of the river. It’s a better place for livestock. That’s make sense, right? Well,...

05/20/23 - 05/21/23

Numbers 33-36


A couple of years ago I went go-kart racing with a friend. Did you know you can’t be looking at the curve you’re in? You have to be looking...

05/27/23 - 05/28/23

Christ Our Expectation | Hope

Christ Our Expectation

Can Christmas lights and holiday music be allowed to surface now? Yes, Advent season is upon us and it’s good. The season teaches us how to...

11/26/22 - 11/27/22

Christ Our Expectation | Peace

Christ Our Expectation

Peace on earth! Why does it seem that Christmas is anything but peaceful? Perhaps it exacerbates the fact that we have tensions, short-comings,...

12/03/22 - 12/04/22

Christ Our Expectation | Joy

Christ Our Expectation

In this wonderful week of Advent joy, I had the privilege of going to the Emergency Room, on a day they said, “It is the fullest we have ever...

12/10/22 - 12/11/22

Christ Our Expectation | Love

Christ Our Expectation

It’s a love story! The whole thing. The contrast between Herod and the wise men really stuck out to me. Herod is entirely misguided in his...

12/17/22 - 12/18/22

Christ Our Expectation | Christmas Eve Service

Christ Our Expectation

In Luke 1, we read two separate stories of the angel Gabriel’s foretelling of two births. Zechariah’s response to the news is one of doubt,...

12/23/22 - 12/24/22

Christmas Devotional

Christ Our Expectation

12/24/22 - 12/25/22

Living Hope- 1 Peter 1:1-5

Living Hope

We are wired for hope! We live on it. We deal with life because of the possibility of happiness in the future. The truth is, we will eventually...

09/10/22 - 09/11/22

Living Hope- 1 Peter 1:6-12

Living Hope

Our salvation becomes even more precious to us when it has been tested. It deepens and gets more personal. The believers Peter addressed were...

09/17/22 - 09/18/22

Living Hope | 1 Peter 1:13-21

Living Hope

Everything plays itself out between your ears. The way you process data, the mindsets shaping your actions, your spiritual growth...there is a...

09/24/22 - 09/25/22

Living Hope | 1 Peter 1:22-2:10

Living Hope

One woman who has been attending CFC for several years now, said she has never experienced such love. Out in the world she feels like she must...

10/01/22 - 10/02/22

Living Hope | 1 Peter 2:11-3:7

Living Hope

We live in crazy times with a lot of white noise and competing voices. It’s easy for us to lose our bearings and feel lost. We’ve spent the...

10/08/22 - 10/09/22

Living Hope | 1 Peter 3:8-22

Living Hope

Some of us are grieving the loss of the USA, as we know it. We certainly don’t like the attack on truth, morality, dignity, and family. We are...

10/15/22 - 10/16/22

Living Hope | 1 Peter 4:1-11

Living Hope

What does it mean to be ‘armed’ with the same thinking that Christ had about suffering and service? I’m looking for the good life! I often...

10/22/22 - 10/23/22

Living Hope | 1 Peter 4:12-19

Living Hope

In July of 64 A.D., Nero had Rome set on fire to rebuild a more glorious city. He blamed Christians to avoid a revolt against him, and it marked...

11/05/22 - 11/06/22

Living Hope | 1 Peter 5:1-7

Living Hope

We live in a world today where no one wants to be led. We struggle with authority in our life and in our world. Peter gives us a beautiful picture...

11/12/22 - 11/13/22

Living Hope | 1 Peter 5:8-14

Living Hope

Do you remember the Lion King song, “In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight...”? Well, what if the lion is not asleep, but...

11/19/22 - 11/20/22

Shining in Babylon | Daniel 1

Shining in Babylon

Join us this weekend as we begin our journey in the book of Daniel. What does it mean to shine in “Babylon”? What was it like for Daniel not...

05/28/22 - 05/29/22

Shining in Babylon | Daniel 2

Shining in Babylon

As God’s people, we have every reason to live in ‘Babylon’ with our heads held high, rejoicing in the fact that our God is the Most High...

06/04/22 - 06/05/22

Shining in Babylon | Daniel 3

Shining in Babylon

As God’s people we will face fiery furnaces in our lives. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego faced a literal fiery furnace. What was it that...

06/11/22 - 06/12/22

Shining in Babylon | Daniel 4

Shining in Babylon

Admittedly, our current reality is hard to accept at times. Some are experiencing increasing frustration from work, the economy, and...

06/18/22 - 06/19/22

Shining in Babylon | Daniel 5

Shining in Babylon

This is the famous chapter of the handwriting on the wall. It’s been almost 70 years of exile. Babylon is faltering under the pressure of the...

06/25/22 - 06/26/22

Shining in Babylon | Daniel 6

Shining in Babylon

Does fear control you? Jen and I were in Colorado a few years ago, staying at a remote cabin. One evening we came home to the front door being...

07/02/22 - 07/03/22

Shining in Babylon | Daniel 7

Shining in Babylon

Jen and I returned this week from our daughter, Shelby’s, wedding. A wedding takes on an identity of its own. You can’t control it. There...

07/16/22 - 07/17/22

Shining in Babylon | Daniel 8

Shining in Babylon

What is the spirit of the Anti-Christ? Can I be affected by it? How can we view news headlines and still maintain a vision and a hope? How...

07/23/22 - 07/24/22

Shining in Babylon | Daniel 9

Shining in Babylon

Think for a moment of giving a kid a large order of French Fries and then asking to have one. The kid says, “No! These are mine.” How does...

07/30/22 - 07/31/22

Shining in Babylon | Daniel 10

Shining in Babylon

There is a spirit realm. In fact, there are territorial demons (Dan. 10:13), and the pressures we think are physical or linked to politics or...

08/06/22 - 08/07/22

Shining in Babylon | Daniel 11-12

Shining in Babylon

We are wrapping up the book of Daniel this week with amazing accounts of fulfilled prophecy. We will see we don’t need to be afraid. God is...

08/20/22 - 08/21/22

Over All | Hopelessness

Over All

Today, as in the days of the early church, we are in an ideological war. The Person and work of Christ are under attack. Is Christ enough for...

02/26/22 - 02/27/22

Over All | My Purpose

Over All

“What is God’s will for me right now?” “I need spiritual wisdom and understanding.” From the largest war in Europe since World War 2, to...

03/05/22 - 03/06/22

Over All | Creation and the Church

Over All

Our passage this weekend will unveil an image of Christ, as though Paul is creating a sculpture for us to see more clearly who He is. The...

03/12/22 - 03/13/22

Over All | Service

Over All

It has been an amazing week to see how the Church is mobilizing support and care for refugees in the Ukraine. In a climate of fear, the Church is...

03/19/22 - 03/20/22

Over All | My Walk

Over All

In Colossians 2 we see Paul transition from Evangelism in chapter 1 to a more Discipleship focus in chapter 2. We are challenged to “walk in...

03/26/22 - 03/27/22

Christ Over | Philosophy

Over All

Philosophy is the love of wisdom. I love philosophy. So did the Colossians. However, Paul claims that philosophy without Christ at its core,...

04/02/22 - 04/03/22

Over All | Religion

Over All

Have you ever felt intimidated by other Christians? You see and hear about their Christianity and then you compare yourself and think “I can...

04/09/22 - 04/10/22

Easter 2022

Over All

Happy Easter CFC! We are praying that God will encourage you this weekend!! It’s been a tough two years! Some of you might feel lethargic or...

04/16/22 - 04/17/22

Christ Over | Moral Character

Over All

Yes, we are complete in Christ- saved, forgiven, and free. But why do we still get angry or struggle with lusts and misplaced passion? In...

04/23/22 - 04/24/22

Christ Over | Moral Character (Part 2)

Over All

For our spiritual transformation we are told to “kill” the things that hurt us and others (misplaced passions and misguided anger). However,...

04/30/22 - 05/01/22

Christ Over | Cultural Division

Over All

If you summarize Colossians in one sentence it might go something like this: “Jesus Christ is the fullness of God and the all-sufficient Savior...

05/07/22 - 05/08/22

Christ Over | Ministry

Over All

Colossians 4:2-6 Christ over Ministry On our way through a deluge of rain, we drove to Ohio last weekend for my son’s graduation. It was by...

05/12/22 -

Christ Over | Teamwork

Over All

What’s the goal here? As believers we are called to “make disciples” [committed followers of Christ]. (Matthew 28:19-20). When we look at...

05/21/22 - 05/22/22

Behold The King of Glory | Advent Week 2: Peace

Behold the King of Glory | Advent 2021

At times I can tend to imagine worst case scenarios. If I’m not careful, a situation can ‘own’ me before it has even come to pass. It robs...

12/04/21 - 12/05/21

Acts 27-28 | Advent Week 1: Hope

Behold the King of Glory | Advent 2021

Why would Paul experience such difficulty in the center of God’s will? We think, “If God loves us, then why do we experience storms, detours,...

11/27/21 - 11/28/21

Behold The King of Glory | Advent Week 3: Joy

Behold the King of Glory | Advent 2021

Last week Bobby unpacked how challenging, complicated and confusing the whole virgin-birth-and still-getting-married thing was for Joseph. Life as...

12/11/21 - 12/12/21

Behold The King of Glory | Advent Week 4: Love

Behold the King of Glory | Advent 2021

At times I get what’s called compassion fatigue. I don’t want to give of myself and prefer to not be bothered. Sometimes I pray and tell God...

12/18/21 - 12/19/21

Behold The King of Glory | Christmas Weekend

Behold the King of Glory | Advent 2021

12/25/21 - 12/26/21

Behold The King of Glory | Christmas Eve

Behold the King of Glory | Advent 2021

12/23/21 - 12/24/21

Acts 1-2:41

Momentum | A Study in Acts

Two thousand years ago a movement began that continues to this day! The man is Jesus. The movement is the Church. The momentum comes from the...

09/25/21 - 09/26/21

Acts 2:41-47

Momentum | A Study in Acts

Imagine 3000 foreigners coming to Lancaster, accepting Christ, and needing to be assimilated into a church of 120 people! It would be messy to...

10/02/21 - 10/03/21

Acts 3-5

Momentum | A Study in Acts

Every once in a while, I have to catch myself! I start allowing certain fears to take up space in my mind, and I forget how big God is. In our...

10/09/21 - 10/10/21

Acts 6-8:3

Momentum | A Study in Acts

How do we receive the fullness of God’s Spirit? What does that look like? Is it just for big powerful things? Let’s take a look at the life...

10/16/21 - 10/17/21

Acts 8:4-12

Momentum | A Study in Acts

Many of you have told me that you love baptism services! You love to hear conversion stories. Well, our passage is full of such stories this...

10/23/21 - 10/24/21

Acts 13 & 14

Momentum | A Study in Acts

The mobility of the church from the outset of Acts 13 and 14, as with any move of God is tied to unity and prayer. From there we as a body of...

10/30/21 - 10/31/21

Acts 15

Momentum | A Study in Acts

Fractured families and estranged relationships can weigh heavily on us. Especially since you and I have a God-given desire for secure attachments...

11/06/21 - 11/07/21

Acts 16-20:16

Momentum | A Study in Acts

Have you been “shaken” in your job or in your relationships this past two years? This weekend we are going to look at the way plans,...

11/13/21 - 11/14/21

Acts 20-26

Momentum | A Study in Acts

By this time in the story, “all the residents in Asia” (Acts 19:10) heard the gospel message. Paul is about to become a witness for Christ,...

11/20/21 - 11/21/21

Acts 27-28 | Advent Week 1: Hope

Momentum | A Study in Acts

Why would Paul experience such difficulty in the center of God’s will? We think, “If God loves us, then why do we experience storms, detours,...

11/27/21 - 11/28/21

Jesus | Savior of the World

Jesus | Savior of the World

In this week's message we are going to explore the most important question in the universe. The answer determines the eternal destiny of everyone...

09/18/21 - 09/19/21

Zechariah 1:1-6


Zechariah involves 8 visions, 4 messages and one King! It is full of references to Christ. For this weekend, the big idea is: His Presence is...

04/10/21 - 04/11/21

Zechariah 1:7-21


This weekend we will start into the first two visions of Zechariah. They reveal to us that God is “exceedingly jealous” for us. In other...

04/17/21 - 04/18/21

Zechariah 2


Do you think things just happen randomly, or is God deeply involved in designing our future? We find in the third vision this week, that God is...

04/24/21 - 04/25/21

Zechariah 3


Reading the Old Testament is a bit like walking through the rooms of an art museum. Some sections are just plain weird and others less weird and...

04/29/21 -

Zechariah 4


In our passage the fifth vision of Zechariah highlights the beauty of the Holy Spirit and how He helps us to be a light. It is God’s Spirit who...

05/08/21 - 05/09/21

Zechariah 5


God is in the process of restoring all things for our good. In our passage this week, the “flying scroll” (vision #6) tells us that God...

05/15/21 - 05/16/21

Zechariah 6


What would the perfect leader look like to you? Imagine a president who is not affected by power, never lies, is never self-seeking or corrupt,...

05/22/21 - 05/23/21

Zechariah 7


Why do you go to church? Why do you give? Why do you fast or pray? Why do you do personal devotions? This weekend is all about the reasons...

05/29/21 - 05/30/21

Zechariah 8


God’s is a love story! Chapter 7 helped us to understand that we worship and love Him because He first loved us. Our love and attention is an...

06/05/21 - 06/06/21

Zechariah 9


I am fascinated by the fact that God reveals to Zechariah the battle plan of Alexander the Great (333BC) almost 200 years prior (518BC). This...

06/26/21 - 06/27/21

Zechariah 11


This passage predicts the destruction of Israel. What? I thought Zechariah was inspiring with lots of great descriptions of their future. Here,...

07/10/21 - 07/11/21

Zechariah 12


The new Israeli Prime Minister plans to build the Jewish Temple on the current Dome of the Rock, where there is a Muslim Mosque? Huh! Iran,...

07/17/21 - 07/18/21

Zechariah | 14


Do you ever have times when you really want to be close to God, and other times when you don’t? Do you ever feel the tension between the sacred...

07/31/21 - 08/01/21

Zechariah 10


What spiritual implications does it have to be free in Christ? Why do we at times slip back under the tyranny and bondage of our “household...

07/03/21 - 07/04/21

Zechariah 13


God’s Kingdom is pure and holy. How can we, as sinners, expect to be part of God’s perfect Kingdom when we fail each day? How can we, as...

07/24/21 - 07/25/21

Advent | Hope

Advent 2020

For some of us, anxiety levels are higher than usual. It’s easy to dwell on thoughts like, “I wish my life were different”, or “I am...

11/24/20 -

Advent | Peace

Advent 2020

Celebrating the themes of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love as we anticipate the coming of Christ at Christmas.

12/06/20 -

Advent | Joy

Advent 2020

Jesus was the essence of joy, and yet a “man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.” (Isaiah 53:3). Biblical Joy (Greek, chara) is a gift...

12/12/20 - 12/13/20

Advent | Love

Advent 2020

Agape love is the highest level of love. It’s a love that transcends. It serves regardless of circumstances. It is not based on condition,...

12/19/20 - 12/20/20

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 21:33-22:14

The Kingdom Has Come

Before we criticize America and politics, it’s good for us to take a look at the effectiveness of the American Church. Have we been...

10/31/20 - 11/01/20

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 23:13-39

The Kingdom Has Come

The spiritual leaders of Israel were guilty of misrepresenting God. Talk about heated rhetoric! It’s Jesus’ final public talk. He holds...

11/21/20 - 11/22/20

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 24:1-14

The Kingdom Has Come

“What is happening in our world?” “I want to know what the future holds.” Join us this weekend as we unpack this same question the...

01/09/21 - 01/10/21

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 24:15-31

The Kingdom Has Come

We are all hardwired to follow a great leader. As Christ-followers, we already have a King and a Kingdom. Although we can pray for this week’s...

01/16/21 - 01/17/21

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 24:32-51

The Kingdom Has Come

The first generation of believers were challenged to live in light of the imminent return of Christ (1 Cor. 1:7; Heb. 10:24; Phil. 3:8; James...

01/23/21 - 01/24/21

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 25:1-15

The Kingdom Has Come

There is a sober warning of not being ready when Christ returns. In our passage this week there are five bridesmaids who were not prepared and...

01/30/21 - 01/31/21

Kingdom Reclaimed | Matthew 26:1-29

The Kingdom Has Come

This weekend we get to learn that worship is an “All-in” thing. The contrast between Mary dumping out a $50,000 bottle of perfume onto the...

02/20/21 - 02/21/21

Kingdom Reclaimed | Matthew 26:30-46

The Kingdom Has Come

We don’t like delays, setbacks or weakness! But what if falling back is actually moving forward? This weekend we get a glimpse of weak disciples...

02/27/21 - 02/28/21

Kingdom Reclaimed | Matthew 26:47-75

The Kingdom Has Come

In a moment when the rooster crows at the end of Matthew 26 we see Peter face-to-face with his sin. The depravity of his heart leads him to a...

03/06/21 - 03/07/21

Kingdom Reclaimed | Matthew 27:1-26

The Kingdom Has Come

Do you ever get discouraged that people are not interested in knowing Jesus? Well, take heart, you can’t get rid of Jesus. In our passage God...

03/13/21 - 03/14/21

Kingdom Reclaimed | Matthew 27:27-44

The Kingdom Has Come

I was brought to tears recently after hearing somebody’s story on the phone of the evil that had been done to them, and the question to follow:...

03/18/21 -

Kingdom Reclaimed | Matthew 27:45-66

The Kingdom Has Come

It’s pretty cool to see the sovereignty of God behind the death of Christ. He is working all things for good through people who have no idea...

03/27/21 - 03/28/21

The Kingdom Has Come | Easter 2021

The Kingdom Has Come

After 16 months we are completing our journey through Matthew’s gospel with the account of the resurrection of Christ. It is the greatest news...

04/03/21 - 04/04/21

The Kingdom Declared | Matthew 3:1-17

The Kingdom Has Come

Our study this week has a certain shock value. The Kingdom has come! We are taking a journey through Matthew’s gospel to see and feel and...

02/01/20 - 02/02/20

The Kingdom Declared | Matthew 4

The Kingdom Has Come

Why was Jesus led into temptation? Why are we tempted? Can anything good come from the struggle? In this chapter, we will get a close up look...

02/08/20 - 02/09/20

The Kingdom Declared | Matthew 5:1-16

The Kingdom Has Come

What satisfies? With the arrival of God’s Kingdom, Jesus declares that ‘Makarios’, or blessedness (fully satisfied in God) comes to us in an...

02/15/20 - 02/16/20

The Kingdom Declared | Matthew 5:17-48

The Kingdom Has Come

Were you discouraged this week that you don’t cut it? Did you look down on someone who is bad? Jesus said to “be perfect”! (v.48). (“Oh...

02/22/20 - 02/23/20

The Kingdom Declared | Matthew 6:1-18

The Kingdom Has Come

Twenty years ago, living in Ethiopia, Em and I had a crazy home invasion experience. (More on that this weekend). Needless to say, we went from...

03/03/20 -

The Kingdom Declared | Matthew 6:19-34

The Kingdom Has Come

I worry about money, health, happiness, freedom...there you have it! When I graduated from College I was beyond broke. I remember spending my...

03/07/20 - 03/08/20

The Kingdom Declared | Matthew 7:1-14

The Kingdom Has Come

“Don’t judge me man!” (An increasingly popular phrase). When Jesus tells us, “Judge not, that you be not judged...” (Matt. 7:1) does...

03/14/20 - 03/15/20

The Kingdom Declared | Matthew 7:15-29

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

03/21/20 - 03/22/20

Kingdom Work | Matthew 8:1-22

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

03/28/20 - 03/29/20

Kingdom Work | Matthew 8:23-9:13

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

04/04/20 - 04/05/20

Kingdom Work | Matthew 9:14-38

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

04/18/20 - 04/19/20

Kingdom Work | Matthew 10

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

04/25/20 - 04/26/20

Responding To The Kingdom | Matthew 11:1-19

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

05/02/20 - 05/03/20

Responding To The Kingdom | Matthew 11:20-30

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

05/09/20 - 05/10/20

Responding To The Kingdom | Matthew 12:1-21

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

05/16/20 - 05/17/20

Responding To The Kingdom | Matthew 12:22-37

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

05/30/20 - 05/31/20

Responding To The Kingdom | Matthew 12:38-50

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

06/05/20 - 06/07/20

Responding To The Kingdom | Matthew 13:1-43

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

06/13/20 - 06/14/20

Responding To The Kingdom | Matthew 13:44-52

The Kingdom Has Come

Do you ever feel the value of being part of God’s Kingdom? As believers, we have received the full pardon of God, we get to know God...

06/20/20 - 06/21/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 14:1-21

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

06/27/20 - 06/28/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 14:22-36

The Kingdom Has Come

We see the world in terms of the physical and temporal. If I’m honest, the current headlines are hard to digest. But, as believers we know God...

07/04/20 - 07/05/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 15:1-20

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

07/11/20 - 07/12/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 15:21-39

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

07/18/20 - 07/19/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 16:1-20

The Kingdom Has Come

My neighbor just popped over to see if I am interested in taking his old couch. Before long we were in a spiritual conversation. So, is it about...

08/08/20 - 08/09/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 16:21-28

The Kingdom Has Come

“Kill that fly already! Did you take out the trash? What is this now? Do I have poison ivy on me? Who left a mess in the bathroom? My jeans...

08/15/20 - 08/16/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 17:1-13

The Kingdom Has Come

You and I have a built-in desire to see glory. Many things here on earth are little glimpses of IT, but God is the source and full manifestation...

08/22/20 - 08/23/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 17:14-27

The Kingdom Has Come

I confess! I can tend to be like Eeyore at times, seeing the worst in circumstances. I struggle to believe that God is good, and that He can do...

08/29/20 - 08/30/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 18:1-14

The Kingdom Has Come

What is greatness? How does God see it? In our passage this week, Jesus offers important teachings that lay the foundation on how we treat each...

09/05/20 - 09/06/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 18:15-35

The Kingdom Has Come

For months we’ve been talking about the nature of the Kingdom of God and our place in that Kingdom. Throughout the book of Matthew, Jesus has...

09/12/20 - 09/13/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 19:1-15

The Kingdom Has Come

Oh boy...! Marriage, divorce, adultery, sex, singleness, gender. Jesus spoke into the high calling of marriage and singleness, yet he is far...

09/19/20 - 09/20/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 19:16-30

The Kingdom Has Come

“Am I really born again?” “What does it involve?” “I never really feel like I’m good enough to deserve heaven.” If you are asking...

09/26/20 - 09/27/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 20:1-16

The Kingdom Has Come

There are times when I have struggled with being angry with God. In our story this weekend, the question arises, “Has God been unfair towards...

10/03/20 - 10/04/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 20:17-34

The Kingdom Has Come

Big Idea: If you want to be great, you need to walk in humility “Humility is a strange thing, the minute you think you have it you’ve lost...

10/10/20 - 10/11/20

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 21:1-17

The Kingdom Has Come

Perhaps a better question than “Who are you voting for?” is, “What are you fighting for?” As tensions rise getting closer to our...

10/17/20 - 10/18/20

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 21:18-32

The Kingdom Has Come

Play-acting! Living under the pretense of something you are not. How easy it is for us to do that. It seems that God took away Israel’s...

10/24/20 - 10/25/20

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 22:15-42

The Kingdom Has Come

A study in the gospel of Matthew

11/07/20 - 11/08/20

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 23

The Kingdom Has Come

What would you say is the greatest threat to God’s kingdom? It’s odd that Jesus, while on earth didn’t fight against Rome. Instead His...

11/14/20 - 11/15/20

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 25:14-30

The Kingdom Has Come

The awe of production is our theme this week! How exciting to know that every investment in serving others or sharing the gospel, will pay off way...

02/06/21 - 02/07/21

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 25:31-46

The Kingdom Has Come

Many people around us are tired and divided. A CFCer said something kind to a total stranger this week and the person started to cry, saying, “I...

02/13/21 - 02/14/21

Made to Worship | Psalm 23

Made to Worship

Psalm 23 is the most popular of the Psalms. Interestingly it follows Psalm 22, where David questions why God has forsaken him. Now, after...

06/29/19 - 06/30/19

Made to Worship | Psalm 77:1-10

Made to Worship

What do you do when God goes silent? Is He mad? Is He distracted with other things? Do His promises not ring true? I thought He loves me! I...

07/06/19 - 07/07/19

Made to Worship I Psalm 77:10-15

Made to Worship

What do you do when you feel like God is silent? You may find yourself asking, “Is He mad? Is He distracted with other things? Are His...

07/13/19 - 07/14/19

Made to Worship | Psalm 77:15-20

Made to Worship

The Red Sea crossing is a prime example of a time when God seemed to be silent. God intentionally led His people into a difficult spot in order...

07/20/19 - 07/21/19

The Radical Joy of God | Part 1, Matthew 5:3

The Radical Joy of God

Steak and eggs! My feet are propped up, all conflicts are resolved, my work is accomplished, my phone is on silent, and my spouse is rubbing...

04/27/19 - 04/28/19

The Radical Joy of God | Part 2, Matthew 5:5

The Radical Joy of God

“Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” For many, the word meek just doesn't sound right. It simply doesn't make sense....

05/04/19 -

The Radical Joy of God Part 3 | Matthew 5:6

The Radical Joy of God

After three beatitudes that deal with emptying ourselves (poor in spirit, mourn, meek…), Jesus turns to being filled. What do you hunger for? ...

05/11/19 - 05/12/19

The Radical Joy of God Part 4 | Matthew 5:7

The Radical Joy of God

Have you been personally hurt or offended by someone recently? How are you dealing with it? Why is it so hard to show mercy- especially when it...

05/18/19 - 05/19/19

The Radical Joy of God Part 5 | Matthew 5:8

The Radical Joy of God

I met a blind man once. It made me curious, so that evening in my home I shut my eyes and tried to walk around a bit (just to see what it’s...

05/25/19 - 05/26/19

The Radical Joy of God | Part 6 Matthew 5:9-10

The Radical Joy of God

When it comes to conflict, are you more of an “avoider” or and “aggressor”? Do you think that we should always “turn the other...

06/01/19 - 06/02/19

1Thessalonians 1:1-3


Have you noticed the temperature of rhetoric rising in our country? People have strong opinions ranging from politics to religion, sexuality and...

01/19/19 - 01/20/19

1 Thessalonians 1:4-10


What does it mean to be “…loved by God…” (1 Thess. 1:4a)? How do we reconcile that with our afflictions? Perhaps being loved by God has...

01/26/19 - 01/27/19

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12


What you say and do matters! Paul probably thought his trip to Thessalonica was a failure, but in reality it was foundational to Christianity...

02/02/19 - 02/03/19

1 Thessalonians 2:13-20


Most people don’t like conflict; face-to-face that is. (Online, anything goes). Speaking of conflict. If you accept God’s word, then it...

02/09/19 - 02/10/19

1 Thessalonians 3:1-13


How do you become something? Doesn’t it take intentional training over time? Whether you want to become a pilot, or an accountant, you need...

02/16/19 - 02/17/19

1 Thessalonians 4:1-12


Are you curious what God’s will for your life is? What should you be doing with your life? What path should you take? What kind of work should...

02/23/19 - 02/24/19

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18


Be encouraged today! The return of Christ could come at any moment. If you are in Christ, you will rise to a destiny that is almost...

03/02/19 - 03/03/19

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11


On the last day of 1999 I flew from New York to Vienna. The plane was almost empty, so I stretched out on five seats and just slept the night...

03/09/19 - 03/10/19

1 Thessalonians 5:12-15


At times we can have a love/hate relationship to our church experiences. What should the expectations be? Encouraging groups are awesome! It’s...

03/16/19 - 03/17/19

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24


We can choose joy! “What…are you crazy? Don’t be disingenuous.” “Whoever said that, obviously has never really suffered.” This weekend...

03/23/19 - 03/24/19

Jonah 1


Here we find the tension between the compassion of God and our complacency. It’s wonderful to know that God has a mission for all of us, and...

09/01/18 - 09/02/18

Jonah 2


Last week Bobby left us with a bizarre image of Jonah in mid-air about to splash down into the sea. God had asked Jonah preach to a tough crowd....

09/08/18 - 09/09/18

Jonah 3


This chapter accounts for the greatest awakening recorded in the Bible. It was a simple five-word message that Jonah shared when 120,000 people...

09/22/18 - 09/23/18

Jonah 4


I thought the story was over. Nineveh was wicked. Jonah ran away. God pursued Jonah. Jonah preached. Nineveh repented. The end. Chapter...

09/29/18 - 09/30/18

Jonah | The Epilogue


What if God asked you to go to “That guy”? Or “That girl”? Ananias was just going along and doing his thing and God spoke to him in a...

10/06/18 - 10/07/18

The Great Commission

Stand Alone or Special Guests

The words contained in Matt. 28:16-20 are foundational for our understanding of what it means to follow the Lord. Jesus commands believers to...

01/02/21 - 01/03/21

In The Fight | Acts 4

Stand Alone or Special Guests

Coming out of COVID, more than ever, I have a great fear that the Church has fallen into a fog. Has gotten into fights but not stepped into the...

06/12/21 - 06/13/21

A Year of Success

Stand Alone or Special Guests

A new year lends opportunity to fresh starts. Many of us desire success, so we start the new year with goal-setting, establish priorities and...

01/01/22 - 01/02/22

Back to Basics

Stand Alone or Special Guests

07/09/22 - 07/10/22

A Call To Mentorship

Stand Alone or Special Guests

2 Timothy 2:1-7 is a passage where the apostle Paul is providing clear instructions, challenge and encouragement to his protégé Timothy. We...

08/13/22 - 08/14/22

Bless Practices

Stand Alone or Special Guests

When it comes to sharing our faith with others, we often experience missed opportunities, or feel ill-prepared. In talking with Jason, he...

10/29/22 - 10/30/22

New Year’s Service

Stand Alone or Special Guests

Happy New Year CFC! Every year, millions of people make New Year’s resolutions, hoping to affect positive change. In doing a web search, the...

01/01/23 - 01/01/23

Beloved and Brave

Stand Alone or Special Guests

At CFC, we believe God is close and he loves you more than you can imagine. We can know God through his Word, which is active, alive, and relevant...

01/21/23 - 01/22/23

Hearing God’s Voice

Stand Alone or Special Guests

Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you to those of you who joined us for 17 days of fasting and prayer. God has been working in accounts I have heard-...

11/25/23 - 11/26/23

Pray Love Serve

Stand Alone or Special Guests

The end of the world is at hand! Do you ever wonder what it is like to live in the end of times? Should we stockpile supplies and build bunkers...

12/30/23 - 12/31/23

The Freedom in Knowing Jesus

Stand Alone or Special Guests

We often hear the Christian life described as "knowing Jesus" but what does that really mean? Jesus Himself extends the invitation to intimately...

12/30/17 - 12/31/17

Resolution Realignment

Stand Alone or Special Guests

Happy 2019! The new year brings an exciting sense of fresh beginnings. At the same time, most resolutions begin with the wrong end in mind, and...

12/29/18 - 12/30/18

Caring Relationships

Stand Alone or Special Guests

Whenever a new year rolls around I get a little reflective. I try to ask, “What does God really care about…?” I know God is love, and as a...

01/05/19 - 01/06/19


Stand Alone or Special Guests

Extrovert: “Solitude is punishment.” Mother of young children: “Solitude would be wonderful.” Choleric: “I meet God when I am actively...

01/12/19 - 01/13/19

Vision Sunday 2019

Stand Alone or Special Guests

How do our good deeds relate to our faith? If we have friends who profess to be Christians, but are not loving, serving and sharing their faith...

06/08/19 - 06/09/19

PW Gopal

Stand Alone or Special Guests

This weekend we have a special guest joining us. PW Gopal will be leading our services. PW is a gifted storyteller and musician. He has a...

06/15/19 - 06/16/19

The Prodigal Son

Stand Alone or Special Guests

This weekend we will be looking at probably the best known and most beloved story that Jesus told. From Luke 15 we see the story of “The Lost...

08/10/19 - 08/11/19

I’M IN 2019 | Part 1

Stand Alone or Special Guests

Is God pleased with us? Sometimes I find myself reading Scripture, or praying or worshipping God, for all the wrong reasons. If I’m honest, I...

08/17/19 - 08/18/19

I’m In | Part 2

Stand Alone or Special Guests

“I’m good with Jesus, I just don’t like the church.” This weekend we are going to address the joys and challenges of being part of a...

08/24/19 - 08/25/19

IJM | Freedom Sunday

Stand Alone or Special Guests

Did you know there are over 40 million people enslaved around the world? It’s not something that affects most of us on a daily basis here in...

09/21/19 - 09/22/19

Matt Craig | Christ in Us

Stand Alone or Special Guests

Over the last month, we have been immersed in the beauty and wonder of our Creator entering our world in human flesh so that we can personally...

12/28/19 - 12/29/19


Stand Alone or Special Guests

01/04/20 - 01/05/20

In The Fight Together | Philippians 1-2

Stand Alone or Special Guests

As individuals, families, and as people of the church, COVID has messed with our way of life in big and small ways. These kinds of disruptions can...

06/19/21 - 06/20/21

Wisdom from Above

Stand Alone or Special Guests

What’s your New Year’s Resolution? Shed those holiday pounds? Dive into that unread book? What about undertaking a change that lasts? This...

01/06/24 - 01/07/24



Happy New Year CFC! Before cementing in our new year’s resolutions, it’s good to remember who we belong to. US Christianity by nature tends to...

01/04/25 - 01/05/25

Church Is For More Than You


What is a church? What does it mean to be a part of one? Is it simply to come and watch service and get something out of it, or is it more than...

01/11/25 - 01/12/25



What are you living for? What drives you? In our new series, ‘Multiply’, we find Paul driven by the ‘promise of life’! He is facing...

01/18/25 - 01/19/25

Be Bold For Jesus


I recently had an opportunity to share my faith with the hostess of our vacation condo, but I chose to play it safe and be a ‘good’ guest and...

01/25/25 - 01/26/25

Be Faithful


The vibe in our passage is a bit like ‘passing the baton’. Paul (facing execution) is challenging Timothy to “follow the pattern of sound...

02/04/25 -

Endure To The End


Have you ever been tempted to quit on Jesus? Maybe you've found yourself discouraged in sharing the gospel or being servant-minded in a...

02/08/25 - 02/09/25

Giving Is Living


What does it mean to be a “River Church”, and not a “Dead Sea” church? As in Corinth, God has called us towards radical generosity. “He...

10/26/24 - 10/27/24

Giving Is A Remedy


What if I told you there was carbon monoxide filling your house? Poison in the very air you breathe? You can't detect it because it's become your...

11/02/24 - 11/03/24



As we prepare for the next season of expanding to a second site and being a light in an increasingly turbulent world, we want to be sure that we...

08/10/24 - 08/11/24

1 Corinthians 1: 1-9

Gospel Transformation

Welcome to Corinth! This was a bad town. (we will get into it). The new believers in this city were deeply affected by their culture. Similarly,...

05/11/24 - 05/12/24

1 Corinthians 1:10-17

Gospel Transformation

Do you struggle to work through conflict with others? Why is that? What are some solutions? Today, we live in a highly individualistic culture in...

05/18/24 - 05/19/24

1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Gospel Transformation

Most would admit their desire for transcendence (to discover what is beyond our world). Most would even admit (when you dig deep), there is a God,...

05/25/24 - 05/26/24

1 Corinthians 1:26-31

Gospel Transformation

If you feel insecurity in who you are as a Christian, intimidated and unfit to properly represent God, feel like you don’t match up to God’s...

06/01/24 - 06/02/24

1 Corinthians 2:1-10

Gospel Transformation

Why do you believe what you believe? What types of things can lead us into a deep and genuine faith in Jesus? Join us this weekend as we look at...

06/08/24 - 06/09/24

1 Corinthians 2:10-16

Gospel Transformation

Do you need wisdom for a current situation? Where will you get it? Why does it matter? This weekend we will be talking about divine wisdom. It’s...

06/15/24 - 06/16/24

1 Corinthians 3:1-9

Gospel Transformation

Have you ever changed a diaper? Have you ever changed the diaper of a 5-year-old? What’s the difference? Well, the kid should be further along...

06/22/24 - 06/23/24

1 Corinthians 3:10-15

Gospel Transformation

Are you doing work that is going to last? Will there be an impact in 20 years from the things you are doing today? People have a deep desire to...

06/29/24 - 06/30/24

1 Corinthians 3:16-23

Gospel Transformation

The church, collectively is the temple of God, God’s dwelling place. Wow! We are it! God has chosen us as a “household” (Eph. 2:21) to be...

07/06/24 - 07/07/24

1 Corinthians 4:1-7

Gospel Transformation

What is the mark of someone who has been radically changed by Jesus? How would you see that or recognize it? “I help people”, “I share all...

07/13/24 - 07/14/24

1 Corinthians 4:8-21

Gospel Transformation

We can get comfortable, like the Corinthians in their super-city (settle in, don’t make waves, ride the cultural trends and bide our time)....

07/20/24 - 07/21/24

1 Corinthians 5:1-13

Gospel Transformation

What role do the people around you play in shaping who you become? What if it was true that you are being shaped and molded right now by your...

07/27/24 - 07/28/24

1 Corinthians 6:1-20

Gospel Transformation

Like today, Greek culture said that the body does not affect the soul, that food and sex are just natural appetites, and if you are hungry, you...

08/03/24 - 08/04/24

1 Corinthians 7:1-17

Gospel Transformation

Are you satisfied with your relationship status? Do you feel that life would be more fulfilling if you just had a partner or if your partner were...

08/17/24 - 08/18/24

1 Corinthians 7:17-40

Gospel Transformation

At Corinth they struggled with discontent, always looking to improve their status in some way. Paul encourages them to “remain” in the...

08/24/24 - 08/25/24

1 Corinthians 8

Gospel Transformation

Is it ok to smoke marijuana, watch R-rated movies, drink alcohol, wear skin-tight clothing, have a tattoo, and have unfiltered access to the...

08/31/24 - 09/01/24

1 Corinthians 9:1-23

Gospel Transformation

Do you get fired up about being part of something bigger than yourself? Does the idea of being used by God to do something great sound inspiring?...

09/07/24 - 09/08/24

1 Corinthians 9:24-10:13

Gospel Transformation

What would you say to someone who says that you are only a Christian because of your parents or your background? Can you be born into...

09/14/24 - 09/15/24

1 Corinthians 10:14-30

Gospel Transformation

Doesn't it feel like some practices that we read in the bible are way out of date and context? Idolatry? "I'm not making little statues, no big...

09/21/24 - 09/22/24

1 Corinthians 11:2-34

Gospel Transformation

Gender roles in our culture can make people cringe, largely due to the many abuses of power and lack of understanding of the gospel. What does the...

09/28/24 - 09/29/24

1 Corinthians 12:1-31

Gospel Transformation

What a great opportunity we have as a church to be unified and buy into being part of the “Body life” at CFC. It’s a huge blessing. It’s...

10/05/24 - 10/06/24

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Gospel Transformation

Have you ever been hurt by the community around you? Have you felt offended or wounded by the people in church or in your household? How do we...

10/12/24 - 10/20/24

1 Corinthians 14:1-40

Gospel Transformation

When we become believers, we have both natures within us- our natural self and God’s spirit. We easily switch back and forth between the two...

10/19/24 - 10/20/24

1 Corinthians 15:1-34

Gospel Transformation

Jesus is alive!! He is not just a ghost. He literally, physically rose from the dead. There is undeniable evidence of the fact, and it has major...

11/09/24 - 11/10/24

1 Corinthians 15:35-58

Gospel Transformation

Tom Brady was interviewed on CBS in 2016. He said, “Why do I have three superbowl rings and still think there is something greater out there for...

11/16/24 - 11/17/24

1 Corinthians 16:1-24

Gospel Transformation

Do you have a plan for your life? As Christians, we often seek to be led by the Spirit, but how does that affect the plans we make? Is it wise to...

11/23/24 - 11/24/24

Shaped to Serve in God’s Mission

Shaped to Serve in God’s Mission

Join us as we dive into Jesus' final words to his disciples in Acts chapter 1. It’s an extraordinary passage that will challenge us to rethink...

05/04/24 - 05/05/24

Palm Sunday

Courageous King

It takes courage to live in the latter days. How did Jesus do it- to ride into Jerusalem in broad daylight knowing there was a plot to kill Him?...

03/23/24 - 03/24/24

Prophecies about Jesus

Courageous King

Happy Easter CFC! I was struck this week by John 18:4. At His arrest, Jesus, “… knowing all that would happen to him, came forward…”. What...

03/30/24 - 03/31/24

Galatians 1:1-10


All world religions offer proposed methods of achieving peace with God, but every single one of them revolves around our effort to save ourselves....

09/09/23 - 09/10/23

Galatians 1:10-2:5


We continue our study in Galatians this weekend, reflecting on Paul's conversion, ministry, and travels.

09/16/23 - 09/17/23

Galatians 2:6-21


I love anything that fits into the spy action movie genre. Every spy film has that same iconic passport scene. The hero is rifling through all...

09/23/23 - 09/24/23

Galatians 3:1-14


Have you ever been deceived? The Galatians were. Today, more than ever, deception is everywhere. It’s a sign of the times. How can we recognize...

09/30/23 - 10/01/23

Galatians 3:15-29


What would you like to change about yourself? What motivates people to change? In our passage this weekend, Paul poses the case that the promise...

10/07/23 - 10/08/23

Galatians 4:1-20


Please by prayerful this week. “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! ‘May they be secure who love you.’” (Psalm 122:6) We plan to take a few...

10/14/23 - 10/15/23

Galatians 4:21-31


“Cast out … her son [Ishmael].” (Galatians 4:30a) What? You might be surprised to find out what this means. This weekend we are coming...

10/21/23 - 10/22/23

Galatians 5:1-12


Freedom!! I’m thinking of the biker dude, with the skull jacket and the ability to ride wherever and whenever he wants. Is that what Paul is...

10/28/23 - 10/29/23

Galatians 5:13-26


I can find myself following God’s Spirit and practicing His presence, and then suddenly being bumped into following my natural desires; Keller...

11/04/23 - 11/05/23

Galatians 6:1-10


The Church, among other things, is a hospital! Our wounds, when handled properly will make us into wounded healers. Galatians 6 encourages us not...

11/11/23 - 11/12/23

Galatians 6:11-18


I broke the chair in a restaurant a couple of months ago, and Jen wouldn’t stop laughing. Yup! I fell right through and was clinging to the...

11/18/23 - 11/19/23

Easter 2023

Easter 2023

Where is Jesus today? If He is alive, what does that mean for me? People who were looking for Jesus at His grave were told, “Why do you seek the...

04/08/23 - 04/09/23

Passion Week | Day 1

Passion Week

Reading: Matthew 27 & 28 Devotional by CFC Elder, Lee DeRemer Song Recommendation: All Hail King Jesus: Worship Initiative

03/30/23 -

Passion Week | Day 2

Passion Week

Passion Week Day 2: Reading: Mark 14:12-16:20 Devotional by CFC Elder, Mark Johnston Song Recommendation: Communion, Brooke...

03/30/23 -

Passion Week | Day 3

Passion Week

Passion Week Day 3: Reading: Luke 22 - 24 Devotional by CFC Elder, Mike Towers Song Recommendation: Christ is Risen: Mack...

03/30/23 -

Passion Week | Day 4

Passion Week

Passion Week Day 4: Reading: John 18 - 20 Devotional by CFC Elder, Jesse O'Hara Song Recommendation This Changes Everything: Jon...

03/30/23 -

The Story of God | God Creates

Story of God

If you only think about the story of your life, your family, and maybe your culture, then in time you will find yourself disoriented and...

01/15/22 - 01/16/22

The Story of God | God Rejected

Story of God

Genesis 3 is fascinating! It’s the explanation for human heartache, misery, loneliness, and frustration. There is a reason for our fascination...

01/22/22 - 01/23/22

The Story of God | God Promises

Story of God

After we rejected God in the garden, our union with Him was broken. Deep within we are looking for the ‘blessing’, that voice to tell...

01/29/22 - 01/30/22

The Story of God | God Appears

Story of God

Here it is! The climax of the Story of God- the arrival of the Messiah. Together we will walk through the significance of the timing and nature of...

02/05/22 - 02/06/22

The Story of God | God Sends

Story of God

Now it gets personal. God sends us! Matthew 28:19, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them...” How has God uniquely...

02/12/22 - 02/13/22

The Story of God | God Restores

Story of God

On the night before my wedding, I drove from the rehearsal dinner past my fiancée’s house to my house. To my surprise I saw Jen’s wedding...

02/19/22 - 02/20/22

Easter 2020

Easter 2020

I AM- The resurrection and the life

04/11/20 - 04/12/20

Equip | December 2020


12/26/20 - 12/27/20

Equip | Ephesians 4:11-12


What are your thoughts about the state of our world? I’m a bit apprehensive and concerned. Jesus, on the other hand, used interruptions and...

08/28/21 - 08/29/21

Equip | Ephesians 4:13


Equip Ephesians 4:13 Do you ever whisper, ‘I feel so alone. Where is Jesus?’ According to Ephesians 1:22b-23, “the church, which is His...

09/04/21 - 09/05/21

Equip | Ephesians 4:14-16


In today's message, we are going to finish our three-part series on how the church is designed by God to equip itself. Truth-telling is critical...

09/11/21 - 09/12/21

Equip | Ephesians 4:11-13


Do you ever wonder, where is Jesus? According to Eph. 1:22b-23, “the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all...”...

01/08/22 - 01/09/22

Equip | The Purpose of The Church


What’s the purpose of church? Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now to Him glory in the church...”. The church exists for the glory of God! ...

08/27/22 - 08/28/22

Equip | How We Got The Bible


How did we get the Bible? Is it trustworthy? What does it do for me? These are great questions that we will be addressing this weekend. As...

09/03/22 - 09/04/22

Equip- Honoring Christ in Our Apologetics


Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m an atheist”, or “If there is a God, why is there so much suffering?”, or “How narrow-minded to...

01/07/23 - 01/08/23

Equip | Trust The Bible


The Bible is great, but should we really take it literally? Should we insist that people believe everything in it? Is it historically reliable? ...

01/14/23 - 01/15/23

Equip | Part One


After prayer, elder retreats, and seeking wise counsel, we would like to share with you what we feel CFC should be doing in the next three years...

01/11/20 - 01/12/20

Equip | Part 2


Do you ever wonder, “Where is Jesus?” According to Eph. 1:22b-23, the church embodies Christ on earth…“the church, which is His body, the...

01/18/20 - 01/19/20

Equip | Part 3


The Body of Christ is an equipping mechanism to help us grow into fullness. Our passage today includes the concept of “speaking the truth in...

01/25/20 - 01/26/20

How We Got The Bible


05/23/20 - 05/24/20

Patient Endurance | Equip


Our leadership team wants to be intentional in giving you tools when it comes to Biblical Literacy, Healthy Community and Missional Mindset. So...

07/25/20 - 07/26/20

Equip | Abide


What is the one thing that will ‘equip’ you to manage this pandemic, respond to social injustices, navigate your kids going back to school,...

08/01/20 - 08/02/20

Christmas Eve 2019

Christmas 2019

12/24/19 - 12/24/19

Hope 2019

Advent 2019

People need hope. There is just too much that we can’t control. As we prepare for the advent of Christ, we are going to take a look at the...

11/30/19 - 12/01/19

Peace 2019

Advent 2019

Why does it seem at times like the Christmas experience is anything but peaceful? Perhaps it exacerbates the fact that we have tensions, turmoil,...

12/07/19 - 12/08/19

Joy 2019

Advent 2019

Some of the biggest joy stealers can be what you focus on or the story you tell yourself in your head. This weekend we are going to contrast the...

12/14/19 - 12/15/19

Love 2019

Advent 2019

Join us this weekend to see how the story of the birth of Christ is linked to the Old Testament promises of God. Jesus becomes the answer to the...

12/21/19 - 12/22/19

Nehemiah | Ch. 1


The broken down walls of Jerusalem reflect our brokenness. The physical stories in the OT have spiritual lessons for us. This story is more than...

09/28/19 - 09/29/19

Chapters 2 & 3


If you are like me, I don’t like to be totally honest with myself, or others. I can tend to skew the facts a little to make things seem better...

10/05/19 - 10/06/19

Nehemiah Chapter 4


Nehemiah is rebuilding life in a warzone. God had promised Abraham long before: your people will be huge, your name will be crazy famous and there...

10/12/19 - 10/13/19

Nehemiah Chapter 5


As the “walls are being rebuilt” we run into a major roadblock! People begin to enslave each other after they had been bought and freed from...

10/19/19 - 10/20/19

Nehemiah Chapters 6 & 7


Satan is already defeated, but he would love to wreck you. There is an invisible war and the story of Nehemiah reveals the tactics of the enemy. ...

10/26/19 - 10/27/19

Nehemiah Chapter 8


There is great joy in being a community of believers when Jesus is at the center and the words of God are respected! In our story, now that the...

11/02/19 - 11/03/19

Nehemiah Chapters 9-11


It doesn’t take much to get off track. Since God is faithful and we are not so much, God gave us the group for our good. It keeps us moving in...

11/09/19 - 11/10/19

Nehemiah Chapter 12


I often get sucked into the nuances of culture, “Have it your way...”, “Follow your heart…”, “You deserve…”, but I don’t find...

11/16/19 - 11/17/19

Nehemiah Chapter 13


The breach is repaired, the community is restored and the people dedicate themselves to God. What a great story! After twelve years of...

11/23/19 - 11/24/19

Ecclesia | Part 1


What is church? How does it help me? In God’s design, church offers me the place where I belong. If you come from a broken family, the church...

08/31/19 - 09/01/19

Ecclesia | Part 2


Every time you swallow, turn on your computer, start your car, drive through a green light, lay down to rest…you are depending on truths! ...

09/07/19 - 09/08/19

Ecclesia | Part 3


Have you ever read the Bible, but felt like nothing changes in your life? It’s very informative, and I know what I “should” do, but I...

09/14/19 - 09/15/19

Faith in the Fire

Faith in the Fire

In the American church we have exchanged God’s call to a call of comfort.  God has so much more for us. As we move into this next season of...

06/22/19 - 06/23/19

Into the Light | Part 1, John 17:1-5

Into the Light

This is the greatest prayer ever recorded. Just before Jesus lays down His life on the cross, we get the chance to listen in as God the Son speaks...

03/30/19 - 03/31/19

Into the Light Part 2 John 17:6-19

Into the Light

How do we reflect God’s glory to others? It certainly is not done by impressive strokes of Christian service, or by smiles and glorious...

04/06/19 - 04/07/19

Into the Light Part 3 John 17:20-26

Into the Light

If I were honest, left to myself, I would live my life entirely self-absorbed…but I’m not sure that it would achieve what I really long for. ...

04/13/19 - 04/14/19

Into the Light Part 4 Easter Sunday

Into the Light

Everyone is faced with the question: “Who is God?” Some are vague saying, “He is nothing, or He is in everything, or we are god, or there...

04/20/19 - 04/21/19

A Love Like This

Christmas Eve 2018 | A Love Like This

Merry Christmas! I’m so excited about the Christmas Eve services coming up! Please pray about inviting someone to one of them. I’m going to...

12/23/18 - 12/24/18


You Shall Be Mine

Leviticus is the concealed story of Jesus. It will add depth and understanding to the grand love story between you and God. Exodus ends with the...

10/13/18 - 10/14/18


You Shall Be Mine

You are unique. You are loved. You belong! God has placed the need to know Him and be known by Him in all of us. The story of Israel, is really...

10/20/18 - 10/21/18


You Shall Be Mine

Why is confession such a painful topic when it is actually a gift from God? God knows that we need purification and restitution, and that is why...

10/27/18 - 10/28/18


You Shall Be Mine

We are deeply loved by God. However, since Adam and Eve we are independent of God. So the story of Israel being led out into a desert to...

11/03/18 - 11/04/18


You Shall Be Mine

In our story, two of Aaron’s sons offer unauthorized incense and the Presence of God takes them out (Lev. 10)! What? Is the God of the Old...

11/10/18 - 11/11/18

Moral Code

You Shall Be Mine

As we continue to look into Leviticus and God’s covenant with the nation of Israel, we see some of the moral and behavioral requirements he gave...

11/17/18 - 11/18/18

Rest and Remembrance

You Shall Be Mine

We will cover the Jewish feasts in Leviticus 23. You may be unaware, but they teach us how to cope with life. Really? Yes! God built into the...

11/24/18 - 11/25/18


You Shall Be Mine

What is hope? “Hope you have a nice Christmas.” “I hope it all works out for you.” Hope in the Bible is deeper than that. More like...

12/01/18 - 12/02/18


You Shall Be Mine

The tree is up. You’re sitting fireside, enjoying the glow of dimmed lights and quiet music. For a moment you get a sense of peace and then...

12/08/18 - 12/09/18

Joy & Vows

You Shall Be Mine

Twenty-five years ago, on Christmas Eve, I asked Jen to marry me! I was ready to make a wedding vow based on the value I saw in her. It’s...

12/15/18 - 12/16/18

Biblical Manhood

Topics From Proverbs

What does it mean to be a man? Did God create men for a purpose? What does the Scripture reveal about biblical manhood? For the father, raising...

08/11/18 - 08/12/18

Biblical Womanhood

Topics From Proverbs

When God created Eve what was His purpose? For the young man looking for traits in his future wife, what should he look for? For the dad raising...

08/18/18 - 08/19/18

The Heart

Topics From Proverbs

In today's message, we have a panel discussion with several leaders on why it is important to manage the state of our hearts and how to do so. ...

08/25/18 - 08/26/18

Proverbs | Planning

Topics From Proverbs

Are you spontaneous, or more of a planner? If we are going to be committed followers of Christ, then shouldn’t we just take each day as God...

07/27/19 - 07/28/19

Proverbs | Wealth

Topics From Proverbs

Jesus talked more about money than about love. Why is that? Huh! Money is a mirror. It reflects the deeper things of who we are and what we...

08/03/19 - 08/04/19

Easter 2018

Easter 2018

If Jesus is God, then it changes everything. In the eyewitness accounts of His life we have seen that Jesus has the ability to heal, to forgive...

03/31/18 - 04/01/18

Mark 1:1-8

The Servant King

Can you imagine if all of Lancaster City and County decided to walk north of Harrisburg near Millersburg to be baptized in the Susquehanna? Well...

01/13/18 - 01/14/18

Mark 1:9-15

The Servant King

Jesus Came! What does this mean in fast-paced 2018? He came to show us the way, to affirm us, to test us and to use us. I don’t think we fully...

01/20/18 - 01/21/18

Mark 1:16-39

The Servant King

Reading through the Gospel of Mark is not unlike reading through a series a well-written blog posts. Mark has something to say—Jesus is the Son...

01/27/18 - 01/28/18

Mark 1:40-2:12

The Servant King

Jesus enters and disrupts our world and begins to create little “pockets of heaven” (Bible Project) everywhere. He makes many unexpected...

02/03/18 - 02/04/18

Mark 2:13-3:6

The Servant King

Jesus calls a hated tax collector to follow him! Are you kidding me? These folks were regarded as the scum of the earth. Imagine someone you...

02/10/18 - 02/11/18

Mark 3:7-35

The Servant King

I remember a day when my daughter was crying because she didn’t have a prom date and all her girlfriends did. I knew that within two hours a...

02/17/18 - 02/18/18

Mark 4:1-20

The Servant King

Wenn Gottes Wort die Wahrheit ist, dann werde ich es wirklich ernst nehmen! Did you catch that? Coming from me, that top phrase might make you...

02/24/18 - 02/25/18

Mark 4:21-41

The Servant King

This weekend we have three short stories and a life lesson. In our text, Jesus illustrates for us the impact of simple faith. It will give us far...

03/03/18 - 03/04/18

Mark 5:1-20

The Servant King

After seeing that Jesus has authority over sickness and nature, we are now confronted with reality of His power over the spirit-world. We are all...

03/10/18 - 03/11/18

Mark 5:21-6:6

The Servant King

We’re learning more about Jesus (He even has the authority over death)! We really do have the best of both worlds because of our faith in Jesus....

03/17/18 - 03/18/18

Mark 6:7-29

The Servant King

Mark tells us in 3:14 that “He (Jesus) appointed twelve-designating them apostles-that they might be with him and that he might send them out to...

03/24/18 - 03/25/18

Mark 6:14-52

The Servant King

Our founding fathers rightly chose, “In God We Trust” for our currency. Perhaps they were aware of the danger of trusting too heavily on our...

04/07/18 - 04/08/18

Mark 6:53-7:30

The Servant King

This weekend we will see the compassion of Christ in contrast to religious pride. It’s so good to know that Jesus does not give us what we...

04/14/18 - 04/15/18

Mark 8:31-9:13

The Servant King

What expectations did you bring to the Christian experience? Have you ever had your expectations of something blown out of the water? In the...

04/28/18 - 04/29/18

Mark 9:14-50

The Servant King

This week we will walk through Mark 9:14-50, where Jesus continues to remind his disciples of his impending death and resurrection. Messiah dead...

05/05/18 - 05/06/18

Mark 10:17-31

The Servant King

Do you consider yourself to be rich? Rich people are not concerned with their daily bread, but with how good their meal tastes, not concerned...

05/19/18 - 05/20/18

Mark 10:1-16

The Servant King

Family life leads to personal growth! In our families, God teaches us about softened hearts and child-like faith. Wow! An understanding of these...

05/12/18 - 05/13/18

Mark 10:32-52

The Servant King

According to NPR (Feb. 2014), Master Sgt. Mendoza received a belated Medal of Honor. On Oct. 4, 1944, he single-handedly broke through a German...

05/26/18 - 05/27/18

Mark 11:1-25

The Servant King

This weekend involves the humility of Christ and the challenge for us to be like Him. Eating *“humble pie” can be frightful or fruitful! ...

06/02/18 - 06/03/18

Mark 11:27-12:27

The Servant King

If Jesus if really God, then we must pick a side. This week we look into the “temple showdowns” where the leaders of the day from different...

06/09/18 - 06/10/18

Mark 12:28-44

The Servant King

What is success when all is said and done? In an attempt to trap Jesus with questions of the law, Jesus gives them the greatest law ever (what...

06/16/18 - 06/17/18

Mark 13

The Servant King

Are we really in the last days? If so, how should we live? Should we stop saving for retirement, frantically yell out to warn our neighbors, and...

06/23/18 - 06/24/18

Mark 14:1-25

The Servant King

How can we make the change from being tightfisted to offering open extravagant love to others? In our passage there’s a woman who pours out a...

06/30/18 - 07/01/18

Mark 14:26-52

The Servant King

Our passage this week begins with late night singing and ends with a naked man streaking into the dark shadows! Sounds like the makings of a wild...

07/07/18 - 07/08/18

Mark 14:53-72

The Servant King

Two Questions only One Answer Three Questions, Three Denials, The Rooster Crows Twice Jesus before the Council and the Denials of Peter What is...

07/14/18 - 07/15/18

Mark 15:1-20

The Servant King

Wow! Look at all the human failure that led to the death of Jesus. There was envy (Sanhedrin), fear (Pilate), demand (crowd) and arrogance...

07/21/18 - 07/22/18

Mark 15:21-47

The Servant King

I could never do justice to the story of the cross. Let’s pray that God will speak to us through His word this weekend. Crucifixions were...

07/28/18 - 07/29/18

Mark 16:1-8

The Servant King

In this message we are going to wrap up our study in Mark, with the very real implications of what it means that Jesus is alive today. When we...

08/04/18 - 08/05/18

Christmas Eve 2017 | One Name

Christmas Eve 2017 | One Name

What are we really celebrating on Christmas Eve? The end of trying to find the right gift, time with family, great food, and perhaps a story about...

12/24/17 -

Ecclesiastes 1-2

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

Join us in following the greatest life experiment of all times. Solomon (the author) describes the endless amounts of wealth, pleasure, wisdom,...

10/21/17 - 10/22/17

Ecclesiastes 3:1-15

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

There are seasons for things. We don’t like unpleasant seasons. We rush. (At least I do). We try to be like everyone else. We don’t like...

10/28/17 - 10/29/17

Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:16

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

Freud and Frankl were two brilliant psychologists who lived in Vienna just before World War II. Freud specialized in man’s search for happiness...

11/04/17 - 11/05/17

Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

This passage is about worship! What a break from the meaningless things Solomon worshipped and found so vain. How should we approach God? What...

11/11/17 - 11/12/17

Ecclesiastes 5:8-7:14

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

Do you have a dream? If it’s not somehow connected to God, then it can end up becoming a nightmare. The ability to enjoy anything comes from...

11/18/17 - 11/19/17

Ecclesiastes 7:15-8:1

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

This is one of the most fascinating passages in Ecclesiastes. Solomon says, “Do not be over-righteous…why destroy yourself?” (v.16a), and...

11/25/17 - 11/26/17

Ecclesiastes 8:2-9:10

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

Why Advent? During the Advent season we anticipate together the arrival of the Christ-child. It’s good to anticipate. Without the wait, there...

12/02/17 - 12/03/17

Ecclesiastes 9:11-11:6

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

Advent. Prince of Peace! Why am I not feeling it? Instead of peace, anxious weeds keep sprouting in my mind. Anxiety stems from a combination of...

12/09/17 - 12/10/17

Ecclesiastes 11:7-12:14

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

Solomon gives us the conclusion of the matter after musing about his failed life experiment. What is it that will bring me true meaning? Where...

12/16/17 - 12/17/17

Matthew 13:1-23

The Kingdom of God

What can we learn about the condition of our own hearts in response to God’s Kingdom?

09/09/17 - 09/10/17

Matthew 13:24-30 & 36-43

The Kingdom of God

Is the world getting better or worse? Sometimes I can’t believe my ears when I hear about the holocaust, or the crusades or how barbaric...

09/16/17 - 09/17/17

Matthew 13:31-32

The Kingdom of God

This short parable has much to say about another hidden flaw trying to infiltrate the Kingdom of God- human pride. Whether the small size of a...

09/23/17 - 09/24/17

Matthew 13:33

The Kingdom of God

When you add leaven to bread dough it quickly permeates and puffs it up. What is leaven? What does it represent in the Bible? Leaven has...

09/30/17 - 10/01/17

Matthew 13:44-46

The Kingdom of God

Nearly every Sunday of my youth my brothers and I would load up in the car and head over to St Michael’s Catholic Church in Mt Airy, MD for the...

10/07/17 - 10/08/17

Matthew 13:47-50

The Kingdom of God

Wouldn’t you love to live in a world with no evil? Whether it is hurricanes, raging fires, mass shootings, sexual assaults, greedy corporations,...

10/14/17 - 10/15/17

Romans 1:18-32


I thought God is love. Can He love even while his “wrath… is being revealed” (Romans 1:18)? What about the ancient heathen? Do they face...

02/11/17 - 02/12/17

Romans 11


When you watch the headlines, you may even be wondering, “What on earth is God doing?” God is working in spite of human free will and is so...

05/27/17 - 05/28/17

Romans 12:1-2


What is the lens by which you view this world? If the world is a playground, you’ll want to play all the time. If the world is labor camp, you...

06/03/17 - 06/04/17

Romans 12:3-21


In Romans 12 the Apostle Paul begins to move away from the majestic theological writings of chapters 1-11 and begins to focus on the “so...

06/10/17 - 06/11/17

Romans 1:1-17


We could remind ourselves of the “gospel of God” (Rom. 1:1) every day and it would keep having an impact on our lives. The implications of...

02/04/17 - 02/05/17

Romans 13


After 11 chapters of mainly focusing on God’s saving work for us in Christ, we made a turn at Romans 12 to God’s saving work in us as he...

06/17/17 - 06/18/17

Romans 14


“Stop judging me!” We are a culture steeped in judging others. We judge dress, tats, piercings, choice in foods and drink, parenting, styles...

06/24/17 - 06/25/17

Romans 15:1-13


We vary in our attitude towards others. It can range from being quick to judge, to putting up with people, to helping bear their burdens, to...

07/01/17 - 07/02/17

Romans 15:14-33


After 10,000 years in heaven, some of what we worry about here won’t matter as much. What matters most to God is people. This weekend we get...

07/08/17 - 07/09/17

Romans 16:1-23


At first glance this section in Scripture seems like a long way of saying “Hi”! However, when you read between the lines you see the early...

07/15/17 - 07/16/17

Romans 16:25-27


Whether you are not yet born again or have been for years, this final doxology (word of glory) is for you!! It celebrates the gospel and the...

07/22/17 - 07/23/17

Romans 2:1-16


Have you ever heard this before? “Do you think you’ll go to heaven when you die?” “Yes, I think so. I’ve never killed anyone. I try to...

02/18/17 - 02/19/17

Romans 2:17-3:8


Our next passage in Romans addresses the underlying attitudes of devout Christians. Lancaster County is such a religious community that we are...

02/25/17 - 02/26/17

Romans 3:27-4:25


It’s scandalous! There is something in us that makes us want to contribute to being saved. If our faith in Christ is all it takes to be...

03/11/17 - 03/12/17

Romans 3:9-26


Standing in a Cafeteria line a few years ago, a woman in front of me slumped down and I just sort of caught her. My first reaction was to try and...

03/04/17 - 03/05/17

Romans 5:1-11


What is the greatest thing you have? Is it a snow blower, a great house, the latest smart phone or your family? Paul claims that being justified...

03/18/17 - 03/19/17

Romans 5:12-21


I don’t have the stomach to be doctor, but still, I love the idea of looking beneath the surface of the human body to see how it works in all...

03/25/17 - 03/26/17

Romans 6:1-14


Wow! Really? By substitution I am saved in Christ alone (Romans 3-5) – unaffected by my works. So then I’ll just keep on sinning. (I hope...

04/01/17 - 04/02/17

Romans 6:15-23


The sticky factor! I become what I open myself up to. These things start to cling to me and I become them. They start to control what I think,...

04/08/17 - 04/09/17

Romans 7


To all children out there: If an adult ever says “Shame on you, why did you do that?” you can reply, “It wasn’t me, it was sin living in...

04/22/17 - 04/23/17

Romans 8:1-17


Romans reveals God’s righteousness for me! Jesus justifies me and the Holy Spirit sanctifies me! Now I get to live a different kind of life. ...

04/29/17 - 04/30/17

Romans 8:18-39


ecently a friend commented after a string of difficult trials, “I struggle to know why God lets us get kicked when we are down.” How do we...

05/04/17 - 05/05/17

Romans 9:1-29


Why does God choose some to be saved and not others? Am I in a place to judge God? Did I choose God or did God choose me? Is God unfair?

05/13/17 - 05/14/17

Romans 9:30-10:21


The visible Church may not be the invisible Church. That’s right! People who are relying on their behaviors for God’s salvation are fools. ...

05/20/17 - 05/21/17



Have you ever wondered how we got the Holy Scriptures? If it’s just a collection of human stories, then why would we trust it as an authority...

07/29/17 - 07/30/17



Could the suffering we see around us only be a portion of a larger context?

08/05/17 - 08/06/17



Take a closer look at how we relate to people when it comes to forgiveness and reconciliation.

08/12/17 - 08/13/17

Missional Mindset


Pastor Bobby Parschauer leads us in a message about what it means to have a lifestyle of reaching others with the gospel.

01/07/17 - 01/08/17

Healthy Community


For some of us we can spend years in a church community and not experience much real change. Why is that? What should the expectation be?

01/21/17 - 01/22/17

Biblical Literacy


The Bible's impact on American culture is unmistakable; it has shaped our laws and social systems. Yet the last quarter-century has revealed that...

01/14/17 - 01/15/17

Biblical Literacy | Update


How does being in God's Word give us direct access to Him?

08/26/17 - 08/27/17

Missional Mindset | Update


What does it mean for us to be "on mission" for God?

08/19/17 - 08/20/17

Advance | Healthy Community


Our vision for 2018 includes healthy community life (Advance). Good relationships are hard to come by. Like moving targets, they require effort...

01/06/18 - 01/07/18

Vision Sunday


When we are captured by the love of Jesus, His love begins to “compel” or drive us (2 Cor. 5:14)! We start to see the world from God’s...

09/15/18 - 09/16/18

Christmas Eve 2023

Christmas Eve Services

For centuries, God's people awaited a promised King. They caught glimpses of a Messiah through signs, miracles and prophets; but these were...

12/23/23 - 12/24/23

Christmas Eve 2024

Christmas Eve Services

Join us at CFC as we celebrate the birth of our savior.

12/23/24 - 12/24/24

Behold The King of Glory | Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Services

Watch our Christmas Eve services from years past!

12/23/21 - 12/24/21

Christ Our Expectation | Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Services

In Luke 1, we read two separate stories of the angel Gabriel’s foretelling of two births. Zechariah’s response to the news is one of doubt,...

12/23/22 - 12/24/22

Christmas Eve 2016

Christmas Eve Services

Lead pastor, Bobby Parschauer, delivers our Christmas Eve message on the Light of the world.

12/24/16 - 12/24/16

Christmas Eve 2017 | One Name

Christmas Eve Services

What are we really celebrating on Christmas Eve? The end of trying to find the right gift, time with family, great food, and perhaps a story about...

12/24/17 -

Christmas Eve 2019

Christmas Eve Services

Watch our Christmas Eve services from years past!

12/24/19 - 12/24/19


Advent 2016

Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer, speaks on the topic of joy as we celebrate the Advent season.

12/10/16 - 12/11/16


Advent 2016

Pastor Bobby Parschauer speaks on the topic of love as we celebrate the Advent season.

12/17/16 - 12/18/16

Orphan Sunday

Orphan Sunday

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

11/12/16 - 11/13/16

A Banquet

God of the Empire: The Story of Esther

Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer, delivers the fifth message in our new series, God of the Empire focused in Chapter 5 of the book of Esther.

10/29/16 - 10/30/16

A Mediator

God of the Empire: The Story of Esther

Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer, delivers the fourth message in our new series, God of the Empire focused in Chapter 4 of the book of Esther.

10/22/16 - 10/23/16

A New Edict

God of the Empire: The Story of Esther

Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer, delivers the eighth message in our new series, God of the Empire focused in Chapter 8 of the book of Esther.

11/26/16 - 11/27/16

A Queen

God of the Empire: The Story of Esther

Pastor Jason Craig delivers the second message in our new series, God of the Empire focused in Chapter 2 of the book of Esther.

10/08/16 - 10/09/16

A Sleepless Night

God of the Empire: The Story of Esther

Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer, delivers the sixth message in our new series, God of the Empire focused in Chapter 6 of the book of Esther.

11/05/16 - 11/06/16

An Empire

God of the Empire: The Story of Esther

Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer, delivers the first message in our new series, God of the Empire focused in Chapter 1 of the book of Esther.

10/01/16 - 10/02/16

An Evil Edict

God of the Empire: The Story of Esther

Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer, delivers the third message in our new series, God of the Empire focused in Chapter 3 of the book of Esther.

10/15/16 - 10/16/16

An Exposed Villain

God of the Empire: The Story of Esther

Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer, delivers the seventh message in our new series, God of the Empire focused in Chapter 7 of the book of Esther.

11/19/16 - 11/20/16

Let Our Losses Bless Us

God of the Empire: The Story of Esther

Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer, delivers the final message in our series, God of the Empire focused in Chapters 9 and 10 of the book of Esther.

12/03/16 - 12/04/16