Do you ever get discouraged that people are not interested in knowing Jesus? Well, take heart, you can’t get rid of Jesus. In our passage God is on trial!! Everyone has to face that same question Pilate faced: “What then shall I do with Jesus, who is called the Christ?” (Matt. 27:22). From Judas, to the High Priests, to Barabbas, to Pilate, to his wife, your neighbor... not one of them can get around the question of Christ. They all thought they could, but they cannot! The odds are stacked against them, not us. That’s a reason for us to be a little more forward in our faith and witness. You can put God on trial, but you can’t get rid of Him.
DATE: March 13 - 14, 2021
SPEAKER: Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer
TAGS: Faith | Jesus