Have you ever been tempted to quit on Jesus? Maybe you've found yourself discouraged in sharing the gospel or being servant-minded in a...
02/08/25 - 02/09/25
The vibe in our passage is a bit like ‘passing the baton’. Paul (facing execution) is challenging Timothy to “follow the pattern of sound...
02/04/25 -
I recently had an opportunity to share my faith with the hostess of our vacation condo, but I chose to play it safe and be a ‘good’ guest and...
01/25/25 - 01/26/25
What are you living for? What drives you? In our new series, ‘Multiply’, we find Paul driven by the ‘promise of life’! He is facing...
01/18/25 - 01/19/25
What is a church? What does it mean to be a part of one? Is it simply to come and watch service and get something out of it, or is it more than...
01/11/25 - 01/12/25
Happy New Year CFC! Before cementing in our new year’s resolutions, it’s good to remember who we belong to. US Christianity by nature tends to...
01/04/25 - 01/05/25
Do you ever read through the Bible and get surprised when God's people in the Old Testament betray him? How could they forget all the miracles...
12/28/24 - 12/29/24
Join us at CFC as we celebrate the birth of our savior.
12/23/24 - 12/24/24
The Christmas season is a great time to give and receive love. In reality, if we are honest, it can be a bit tense at times. This season can...
12/21/24 - 12/22/24
You've likely experienced or are currently experiencing some deep sorrow or suffering in this life. If God is all good and all-powerful, why do we...
12/14/24 - 12/15/24
According to the American Psychological Association, “Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical...
12/07/24 - 12/08/24
We are not in control. It’s a raw feeling, and it leads to fear and despair. The alternative for us, is to trust that this child that is...
11/30/24 - 12/01/24
Do you have a plan for your life? As Christians, we often seek to be led by the Spirit, but how does that affect the plans we make? Is it wise to...
11/23/24 - 11/24/24
Tom Brady was interviewed on CBS in 2016. He said, “Why do I have three superbowl rings and still think there is something greater out there for...
11/16/24 - 11/17/24
Jesus is alive!! He is not just a ghost. He literally, physically rose from the dead. There is undeniable evidence of the fact, and it has major...
11/09/24 - 11/10/24
What if I told you there was carbon monoxide filling your house? Poison in the very air you breathe? You can't detect it because it's become your...
11/02/24 - 11/03/24
What does it mean to be a “River Church”, and not a “Dead Sea” church? As in Corinth, God has called us towards radical generosity. “He...
10/26/24 - 10/27/24
When we become believers, we have both natures within us- our natural self and God’s spirit. We easily switch back and forth between the two...
10/19/24 - 10/20/24
Have you ever been hurt by the community around you? Have you felt offended or wounded by the people in church or in your household? How do we...
10/12/24 - 10/20/24
What a great opportunity we have as a church to be unified and buy into being part of the “Body life” at CFC. It’s a huge blessing. It’s...
10/05/24 - 10/06/24
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