
January 15 - September 29, 2024 -

Jeremiah | ch. 18-19


Have you ever seen a potter at work? The potter makes the vessel. How silly would it be for the clay to speak and direct the potters hands? When...

02/17/24 - 02/18/24

Jeremiah | ch. 16-17


The first of the Great Empires comes to power from Daniel's prophecy. This paradigm shift is called the Time of The Gentiles. Jeremiah becomes an...

02/10/24 - 02/11/24

Jeremiah | ch. 11-15


“Cursed be the man who does not hear the words of this covenant…” (Jer. 11:3). That’s strong language. We may think of God hurling curses...

02/03/24 - 02/04/24

Jeremiah | ch. 6-10


How teachable are you towards God? What do your prayers reveal? Can you pray “Correct me, O LORD…” as Jeremiah did (10:24)? How quickly we...

01/27/24 - 01/28/24

Jeremiah I ch. 2-5


This weekend we explore the biblical meaning of “whoredom”. What does it mean to walk away from a true love relationship with God, as His...

01/20/24 - 01/21/24

Jeremiah | ch. 1


What are the dynamics of moral decline in a nation? Why does it matter? Should a Christian still speak truth amid opposition? How can we live...

01/13/24 - 01/14/24

Jeremiah | ch. 20


Whoa! Jeremiah is now physically assaulted for the first time. He starts to show signs of depression (erratic behavior). Depression is the natural...

02/24/24 - 02/25/24

Jeremiah I ch. 21-25


In these chapters we learn of the last king of Judah, King Zedekiah. In this saga we learn the way of life and death, what it is to know the...

03/03/24 - 03/04/24

Jeremiah | ch. 26-29


When Jeremiah proclaims a word from the Lord saying “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil,...

03/09/24 - 03/10/24

Jeremiah | ch. 30-31


Comfort in dark times! Judah has been under siege for months and have begun to cannibalize their children (Lamentation 2:20 & 4:10). In their...

03/16/24 - 03/17/24

Jeremiah | ch. 31-32


Have you ever felt stuck? In our passage, Jerusalem was stuck under siege with little hope for the future. We see that king Zedekiah was stuck and...

04/06/24 - 04/07/24

Jeremiah | ch. 33-39


“Sometimes God seems to be killing us when He’s actually saving us.” Tim Keller, Counterfeit Gods. I found out this week that Daniel had...

04/13/24 - 04/14/24

Jeremiah | ch. 40-45


The passage this weekend feels a bit like the Hunger Games. A remnant is left in Judah to fend for themselves. They are driven by fear and by...

04/20/24 - 04/21/24

Jeremiah | ch. 46-51


I saw a T-shirt this week. It said: “Keep believing in yourself. That’s the secret to success.” Is that really true? I think it could be...

04/27/24 - 04/28/24