May 13 - November 24, 2024 - Join us for our current series through 1 Corinthians!
Welcome to Corinth! This was a bad town. (we will get into it). The new believers in this city were deeply affected by their culture. Similarly,...
05/11/24 - 05/12/24
Do you struggle to work through conflict with others? Why is that? What are some solutions? Today, we live in a highly individualistic culture in...
05/18/24 - 05/19/24
Most would admit their desire for transcendence (to discover what is beyond our world). Most would even admit (when you dig deep), there is a God,...
05/25/24 - 05/26/24
If you feel insecurity in who you are as a Christian, intimidated and unfit to properly represent God, feel like you don’t match up to God’s...
06/01/24 - 06/02/24
Why do you believe what you believe? What types of things can lead us into a deep and genuine faith in Jesus? Join us this weekend as we look at...
06/08/24 - 06/09/24
Do you need wisdom for a current situation? Where will you get it? Why does it matter? This weekend we will be talking about divine wisdom. It’s...
06/15/24 - 06/16/24
Have you ever changed a diaper? Have you ever changed the diaper of a 5-year-old? What’s the difference? Well, the kid should be further along...
06/22/24 - 06/23/24
Are you doing work that is going to last? Will there be an impact in 20 years from the things you are doing today? People have a deep desire to...
06/29/24 - 06/30/24
The church, collectively is the temple of God, God’s dwelling place. Wow! We are it! God has chosen us as a “household” (Eph. 2:21) to be...
07/06/24 - 07/07/24
What is the mark of someone who has been radically changed by Jesus? How would you see that or recognize it? “I help people”, “I share all...
07/13/24 - 07/14/24
We can get comfortable, like the Corinthians in their super-city (settle in, don’t make waves, ride the cultural trends and bide our time)....
07/20/24 - 07/21/24
What role do the people around you play in shaping who you become? What if it was true that you are being shaped and molded right now by your...
07/27/24 - 07/28/24
Like today, Greek culture said that the body does not affect the soul, that food and sex are just natural appetites, and if you are hungry, you...
08/03/24 - 08/04/24
Are you satisfied with your relationship status? Do you feel that life would be more fulfilling if you just had a partner or if your partner were...
08/17/24 - 08/18/24
At Corinth they struggled with discontent, always looking to improve their status in some way. Paul encourages them to “remain” in the...
08/24/24 - 08/25/24
Is it ok to smoke marijuana, watch R-rated movies, drink alcohol, wear skin-tight clothing, have a tattoo, and have unfiltered access to the...
08/31/24 - 09/01/24
Do you get fired up about being part of something bigger than yourself? Does the idea of being used by God to do something great sound inspiring?...
09/07/24 - 09/08/24
What would you say to someone who says that you are only a Christian because of your parents or your background? Can you be born into...
09/14/24 - 09/15/24
Doesn't it feel like some practices that we read in the bible are way out of date and context? Idolatry? "I'm not making little statues, no big...
09/21/24 - 09/22/24
Gender roles in our culture can make people cringe, largely due to the many abuses of power and lack of understanding of the gospel. What does the...
09/28/24 - 09/29/24
What a great opportunity we have as a church to be unified and buy into being part of the “Body life” at CFC. It’s a huge blessing. It’s...
10/05/24 - 10/06/24
Have you ever been hurt by the community around you? Have you felt offended or wounded by the people in church or in your household? How do we...
10/12/24 - 10/20/24
When we become believers, we have both natures within us- our natural self and God’s spirit. We easily switch back and forth between the two...
10/19/24 - 10/20/24
Jesus is alive!! He is not just a ghost. He literally, physically rose from the dead. There is undeniable evidence of the fact, and it has major...
11/09/24 - 11/10/24
Tom Brady was interviewed on CBS in 2016. He said, “Why do I have three superbowl rings and still think there is something greater out there for...
11/16/24 - 11/17/24
Do you have a plan for your life? As Christians, we often seek to be led by the Spirit, but how does that affect the plans we make? Is it wise to...
11/23/24 - 11/24/24