DATE: December 26 - 27, 2020 SPEAKER: Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer TAGS: Equip
What are your thoughts about the state of our world? I’m a bit apprehensive and concerned. Jesus, on the other hand, used interruptions and...
08/28/21 - 08/29/21
Equip Ephesians 4:13 Do you ever whisper, ‘I feel so alone. Where is Jesus?’ According to Ephesians 1:22b-23, “the church, which is His...
09/04/21 - 09/05/21
In today's message, we are going to finish our three-part series on how the church is designed by God to equip itself. Truth-telling is critical...
09/11/21 - 09/12/21
Do you ever wonder, where is Jesus? According to Eph. 1:22b-23, “the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all...”...
01/08/22 - 01/09/22
What’s the purpose of church? Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now to Him glory in the church...”. The church exists for the glory of God! ...
08/27/22 - 08/28/22
How did we get the Bible? Is it trustworthy? What does it do for me? These are great questions that we will be addressing this weekend. As...
09/03/22 - 09/04/22
Have you ever heard someone say, “I’m an atheist”, or “If there is a God, why is there so much suffering?”, or “How narrow-minded to...
01/07/23 - 01/08/23
The Bible is great, but should we really take it literally? Should we insist that people believe everything in it? Is it historically reliable? ...
01/14/23 - 01/15/23
After prayer, elder retreats, and seeking wise counsel, we would like to share with you what we feel CFC should be doing in the next three years...
01/11/20 - 01/12/20
Do you ever wonder, “Where is Jesus?” According to Eph. 1:22b-23, the church embodies Christ on earth…“the church, which is His body, the...
01/18/20 - 01/19/20
The Body of Christ is an equipping mechanism to help us grow into fullness. Our passage today includes the concept of “speaking the truth in...
01/25/20 - 01/26/20
05/23/20 - 05/24/20
Our leadership team wants to be intentional in giving you tools when it comes to Biblical Literacy, Healthy Community and Missional Mindset. So...
07/25/20 - 07/26/20
What is the one thing that will ‘equip’ you to manage this pandemic, respond to social injustices, navigate your kids going back to school,...
08/01/20 - 08/02/20