Nearly every Sunday of my youth my brothers and I would load up in the car and head over to St Michael’s Catholic Church in Mt Airy, MD for the 10:30am Mass. And every week we would recite the Lord’s prayer, “Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done…” For many years I had no idea what “kingdom” meant – I had crazy images in my head—and therefore many of Jesus’ parables seemed mystical to me. The kingdom of God points to the return of Jesus the King, an amazing future reality where he gathers, judges, and rules the world. But it’s also a present day reality –a right-now transformation, a new life, and an opportunity to become members in His kingdom. Jesus compares that kingdom to both and treasure and a perfect pearl. This week we’ll look at the reckless men of this parable and how their discoveries
DATE: October 07 - 08, 2017
SPEAKER: Executive Pastor, Jason Craig
TAGS: Bible | Community