Endure To The EndMULTIPLY

Have you ever been tempted to quit on Jesus? Maybe you've found yourself discouraged in sharing the gospel or being servant-minded in a...

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Equip | Trust The Bible


The Bible is great, but should we really take it literally? Should we insist that people believe everything in it? Is it historically reliable? ...

01/14/23 - 01/15/23

Equip | How We Got The Bible


How did we get the Bible? Is it trustworthy? What does it do for me? These are great questions that we will be addressing this weekend. As...

09/03/22 - 09/04/22

The Story of God | God Creates

Story of God

If you only think about the story of your life, your family, and maybe your culture, then in time you will find yourself disoriented and...

01/15/22 - 01/16/22

Equip | Abide


What is the one thing that will ‘equip’ you to manage this pandemic, respond to social injustices, navigate your kids going back to school,...

08/01/20 - 08/02/20

How We Got The Bible


05/23/20 - 05/24/20

Jonah 2


Last week Bobby left us with a bizarre image of Jonah in mid-air about to splash down into the sea. God had asked Jonah preach to a tough crowd....

09/08/18 - 09/09/18

Mark 6:53-7:30

The Servant King

This weekend we will see the compassion of Christ in contrast to religious pride. It’s so good to know that Jesus does not give us what we...

04/14/18 - 04/15/18

Ecclesiastes 5:1-7

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

This passage is about worship! What a break from the meaningless things Solomon worshipped and found so vain. How should we approach God? What...

11/11/17 - 11/12/17

Ecclesiastes 3:16-4:16

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

Freud and Frankl were two brilliant psychologists who lived in Vienna just before World War II. Freud specialized in man’s search for happiness...

11/04/17 - 11/05/17

Ecclesiastes 3:1-15

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

There are seasons for things. We don’t like unpleasant seasons. We rush. (At least I do). We try to be like everyone else. We don’t like...

10/28/17 - 10/29/17

Ecclesiastes 1-2

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

Join us in following the greatest life experiment of all times. Solomon (the author) describes the endless amounts of wealth, pleasure, wisdom,...

10/21/17 - 10/22/17

Matthew 13:47-50

The Kingdom of God

Wouldn’t you love to live in a world with no evil? Whether it is hurricanes, raging fires, mass shootings, sexual assaults, greedy corporations,...

10/14/17 - 10/15/17

Matthew 13:44-46

The Kingdom of God

Nearly every Sunday of my youth my brothers and I would load up in the car and head over to St Michael’s Catholic Church in Mt Airy, MD for the...

10/07/17 - 10/08/17

Matthew 13:33

The Kingdom of God

When you add leaven to bread dough it quickly permeates and puffs it up. What is leaven? What does it represent in the Bible? Leaven has...

09/30/17 - 10/01/17

Matthew 13:31-32

The Kingdom of God

This short parable has much to say about another hidden flaw trying to infiltrate the Kingdom of God- human pride. Whether the small size of a...

09/23/17 - 09/24/17

Matthew 13:24-30 & 36-43

The Kingdom of God

Is the world getting better or worse? Sometimes I can’t believe my ears when I hear about the holocaust, or the crusades or how barbaric...

09/16/17 - 09/17/17

Matthew 13:1-23

The Kingdom of God

What can we learn about the condition of our own hearts in response to God’s Kingdom?

09/09/17 - 09/10/17

Biblical Literacy | Update


How does being in God's Word give us direct access to Him?

08/26/17 - 08/27/17

Biblical Literacy


The Bible's impact on American culture is unmistakable; it has shaped our laws and social systems. Yet the last quarter-century has revealed that...

01/14/17 - 01/15/17