April 08 - -
Zechariah involves 8 visions, 4 messages and one King! It is full of references to Christ. For this weekend, the big idea is: His Presence is...
04/10/21 - 04/11/21
This weekend we will start into the first two visions of Zechariah. They reveal to us that God is “exceedingly jealous” for us. In other...
04/17/21 - 04/18/21
Do you think things just happen randomly, or is God deeply involved in designing our future? We find in the third vision this week, that God is...
04/24/21 - 04/25/21
Reading the Old Testament is a bit like walking through the rooms of an art museum. Some sections are just plain weird and others less weird and...
04/29/21 -
In our passage the fifth vision of Zechariah highlights the beauty of the Holy Spirit and how He helps us to be a light. It is God’s Spirit who...
05/08/21 - 05/09/21
God is in the process of restoring all things for our good. In our passage this week, the “flying scroll” (vision #6) tells us that God...
05/15/21 - 05/16/21
What would the perfect leader look like to you? Imagine a president who is not affected by power, never lies, is never self-seeking or corrupt,...
05/22/21 - 05/23/21
Why do you go to church? Why do you give? Why do you fast or pray? Why do you do personal devotions? This weekend is all about the reasons...
05/29/21 - 05/30/21
God’s is a love story! Chapter 7 helped us to understand that we worship and love Him because He first loved us. Our love and attention is an...
06/05/21 - 06/06/21
I am fascinated by the fact that God reveals to Zechariah the battle plan of Alexander the Great (333BC) almost 200 years prior (518BC). This...
06/26/21 - 06/27/21
This passage predicts the destruction of Israel. What? I thought Zechariah was inspiring with lots of great descriptions of their future. Here,...
07/10/21 - 07/11/21
The new Israeli Prime Minister plans to build the Jewish Temple on the current Dome of the Rock, where there is a Muslim Mosque? Huh! Iran,...
07/17/21 - 07/18/21
Do you ever have times when you really want to be close to God, and other times when you don’t? Do you ever feel the tension between the sacred...
07/31/21 - 08/01/21
What spiritual implications does it have to be free in Christ? Why do we at times slip back under the tyranny and bondage of our “household...
07/03/21 - 07/04/21
God’s Kingdom is pure and holy. How can we, as sinners, expect to be part of God’s perfect Kingdom when we fail each day? How can we, as...
07/24/21 - 07/25/21