Zechariah 9 Zechariah

I am fascinated by the fact that God reveals to Zechariah the battle plan of Alexander the Great (333BC) almost 200 years prior (518BC). This tells me that the word of God can be trusted. He uses kings and nations for His purposes. He protects His people. Join us this weekend to celebrate the goodness of God.

DATE: June 26 - 27, 2021
SPEAKER: Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer

Audio Notes


Zechariah 1:1-6


Zechariah involves 8 visions, 4 messages and one King! It is full of references to Christ. For this weekend, the big idea is: His Presence is...

04/10/21 - 04/11/21

Zechariah 1:7-21


This weekend we will start into the first two visions of Zechariah. They reveal to us that God is “exceedingly jealous” for us. In other...

04/17/21 - 04/18/21

Zechariah 2


Do you think things just happen randomly, or is God deeply involved in designing our future? We find in the third vision this week, that God is...

04/24/21 - 04/25/21

Zechariah 3


Reading the Old Testament is a bit like walking through the rooms of an art museum. Some sections are just plain weird and others less weird and...

04/29/21 -

Zechariah 4


In our passage the fifth vision of Zechariah highlights the beauty of the Holy Spirit and how He helps us to be a light. It is God’s Spirit who...

05/08/21 - 05/09/21

Zechariah 5


God is in the process of restoring all things for our good. In our passage this week, the “flying scroll” (vision #6) tells us that God...

05/15/21 - 05/16/21

Zechariah 6


What would the perfect leader look like to you? Imagine a president who is not affected by power, never lies, is never self-seeking or corrupt,...

05/22/21 - 05/23/21

Zechariah 7


Why do you go to church? Why do you give? Why do you fast or pray? Why do you do personal devotions? This weekend is all about the reasons...

05/29/21 - 05/30/21

Zechariah 8


God’s is a love story! Chapter 7 helped us to understand that we worship and love Him because He first loved us. Our love and attention is an...

06/05/21 - 06/06/21

Zechariah 11


This passage predicts the destruction of Israel. What? I thought Zechariah was inspiring with lots of great descriptions of their future. Here,...

07/10/21 - 07/11/21

Zechariah 12


The new Israeli Prime Minister plans to build the Jewish Temple on the current Dome of the Rock, where there is a Muslim Mosque? Huh! Iran,...

07/17/21 - 07/18/21

Zechariah | 14


Do you ever have times when you really want to be close to God, and other times when you don’t? Do you ever feel the tension between the sacred...

07/31/21 - 08/01/21

Zechariah 10


What spiritual implications does it have to be free in Christ? Why do we at times slip back under the tyranny and bondage of our “household...

07/03/21 - 07/04/21

Zechariah 13


God’s Kingdom is pure and holy. How can we, as sinners, expect to be part of God’s perfect Kingdom when we fail each day? How can we, as...

07/24/21 - 07/25/21