May 28 - - What does it mean to shine in “Babylon”? What was it like for Daniel not to allow cultural dynamics to erode his soul and cause him to lose his distinction as a God-follower?
Join us this weekend as we begin our journey in the book of Daniel. What does it mean to shine in “Babylon”? What was it like for Daniel not...
05/28/22 - 05/29/22
As God’s people, we have every reason to live in ‘Babylon’ with our heads held high, rejoicing in the fact that our God is the Most High...
06/04/22 - 06/05/22
As God’s people we will face fiery furnaces in our lives. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego faced a literal fiery furnace. What was it that...
06/11/22 - 06/12/22
Admittedly, our current reality is hard to accept at times. Some are experiencing increasing frustration from work, the economy, and...
06/18/22 - 06/19/22
This is the famous chapter of the handwriting on the wall. It’s been almost 70 years of exile. Babylon is faltering under the pressure of the...
06/25/22 - 06/26/22
Does fear control you? Jen and I were in Colorado a few years ago, staying at a remote cabin. One evening we came home to the front door being...
07/02/22 - 07/03/22
Jen and I returned this week from our daughter, Shelby’s, wedding. A wedding takes on an identity of its own. You can’t control it. There...
07/16/22 - 07/17/22
What is the spirit of the Anti-Christ? Can I be affected by it? How can we view news headlines and still maintain a vision and a hope? How...
07/23/22 - 07/24/22
Think for a moment of giving a kid a large order of French Fries and then asking to have one. The kid says, “No! These are mine.” How does...
07/30/22 - 07/31/22
There is a spirit realm. In fact, there are territorial demons (Dan. 10:13), and the pressures we think are physical or linked to politics or...
08/06/22 - 08/07/22
We are wrapping up the book of Daniel this week with amazing accounts of fulfilled prophecy. We will see we don’t need to be afraid. God is...
08/20/22 - 08/21/22