Romans | Justified By Christ (9:1-29) from Community Fellowship Church on Vimeo.
Why does God choose some to be saved and not others? Am I in a place to judge God? Did I choose God or did God choose me? Is God unfair?
DATE: May 13 - 14, 2017 SPEAKER: Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer
I thought God is love. Can He love even while his “wrath… is being revealed” (Romans 1:18)? What about the ancient heathen? Do they face...
02/11/17 - 02/12/17
When you watch the headlines, you may even be wondering, “What on earth is God doing?” God is working in spite of human free will and is so...
05/27/17 - 05/28/17
What is the lens by which you view this world? If the world is a playground, you’ll want to play all the time. If the world is labor camp, you...
06/03/17 - 06/04/17
In Romans 12 the Apostle Paul begins to move away from the majestic theological writings of chapters 1-11 and begins to focus on the “so...
06/10/17 - 06/11/17
We could remind ourselves of the “gospel of God” (Rom. 1:1) every day and it would keep having an impact on our lives. The implications of...
02/04/17 - 02/05/17
After 11 chapters of mainly focusing on God’s saving work for us in Christ, we made a turn at Romans 12 to God’s saving work in us as he...
06/17/17 - 06/18/17
“Stop judging me!” We are a culture steeped in judging others. We judge dress, tats, piercings, choice in foods and drink, parenting, styles...
06/24/17 - 06/25/17
We vary in our attitude towards others. It can range from being quick to judge, to putting up with people, to helping bear their burdens, to...
07/01/17 - 07/02/17
After 10,000 years in heaven, some of what we worry about here won’t matter as much. What matters most to God is people. This weekend we get...
07/08/17 - 07/09/17
At first glance this section in Scripture seems like a long way of saying “Hi”! However, when you read between the lines you see the early...
07/15/17 - 07/16/17
Whether you are not yet born again or have been for years, this final doxology (word of glory) is for you!! It celebrates the gospel and the...
07/22/17 - 07/23/17
Have you ever heard this before? “Do you think you’ll go to heaven when you die?” “Yes, I think so. I’ve never killed anyone. I try to...
02/18/17 - 02/19/17
Our next passage in Romans addresses the underlying attitudes of devout Christians. Lancaster County is such a religious community that we are...
02/25/17 - 02/26/17
It’s scandalous! There is something in us that makes us want to contribute to being saved. If our faith in Christ is all it takes to be...
03/11/17 - 03/12/17
Standing in a Cafeteria line a few years ago, a woman in front of me slumped down and I just sort of caught her. My first reaction was to try and...
03/04/17 - 03/05/17
What is the greatest thing you have? Is it a snow blower, a great house, the latest smart phone or your family? Paul claims that being justified...
03/18/17 - 03/19/17
I don’t have the stomach to be doctor, but still, I love the idea of looking beneath the surface of the human body to see how it works in all...
03/25/17 - 03/26/17
Wow! Really? By substitution I am saved in Christ alone (Romans 3-5) – unaffected by my works. So then I’ll just keep on sinning. (I hope...
04/01/17 - 04/02/17
The sticky factor! I become what I open myself up to. These things start to cling to me and I become them. They start to control what I think,...
04/08/17 - 04/09/17
To all children out there: If an adult ever says “Shame on you, why did you do that?” you can reply, “It wasn’t me, it was sin living in...
04/22/17 - 04/23/17
Romans reveals God’s righteousness for me! Jesus justifies me and the Holy Spirit sanctifies me! Now I get to live a different kind of life. ...
04/29/17 - 04/30/17
ecently a friend commented after a string of difficult trials, “I struggle to know why God lets us get kicked when we are down.” How do we...
05/04/17 - 05/05/17
The visible Church may not be the invisible Church. That’s right! People who are relying on their behaviors for God’s salvation are fools. ...
05/20/17 - 05/21/17