Numbers 33-36Numbers

A couple of years ago I went go-kart racing with a friend. Did you know you can’t be looking at the curve you’re in? You have to be looking at the one farther ahead or you will get bogged. As we wrap up Numbers the people are encouraged to look ahead at the land of promise. They were to keep their eye on the prize. Join us to consider what it looks like to walk in a temporary journey towards an amazing land. How does tomorrow affect the way I “steer” myself today?

DATE: May 27 - 28, 2023
SPEAKER: Lead Pastor, Bobby Parschauer

Audio Notes


Numbers 1-4


The Hebrew title for Numbers is, ‘Bemidbar’, meaning, ‘In the wilderness’. The wanderings of Israel are set as an example for us (1...

02/04/23 - 02/05/23

Numbers 5-6


The journey through the wilderness involves purity from disease, and purity in human relationships and with God. What does it mean for us today...

02/11/23 - 02/12/23

Numbers 7-8


If you could go deeper in your relationship with God would you want to? Is there another gear for you? It’s interesting in our passage this week...

02/18/23 - 02/19/23

Numbers 9-10


How do you feel about travel? I generally like to know where I am going and what to take with me. In fact, I think the invention of GPS has...

02/25/23 - 02/26/23

Numbers 11-12


What do you think was the greatest killer for Israel as they wandered in the wilderness? A. Malnutrition B. Dehydration C. Complaining ...

03/04/23 - 03/05/23

Numbers 13-14


It’s decision time! What do you really believe about God? Israel is at the ‘El Paso’ border town preparing to enter the land of Promise. ...

03/11/23 - 03/12/23

Numbers 15


After the hard-hearted rejection of God, He still speaks to Israel and reminds them of their bright future. In our passage we find out that grace...

03/18/23 - 03/19/23

Numbers 16-17


What a story! Moses and Aaron took the brunt of anger from the people while still consistently standing in the gap for them. That’s what Jesus...

03/25/23 - 03/26/23

Numbers 18-19


Don’t let your failures keep you from a close relationship with God. Israel was so struck by their failures that they cried out, “…Everyone...

04/01/23 - 04/02/23

Numbers 20-21


Dehydration is serious! A dry mouth, headaches, muscle cramps, fatigue, an increased heart rate…it’s like you are starting to die. Through...

04/15/23 - 04/16/23

Numbers 22-24


We are always wondering about the future, and looking to solicit whatever help we can get. No different in our passage this week (we even get a...

04/22/23 - 04/23/23

Numbers 25


Powerful things happen if you let an infant diaper marinate in a hot car. Everything looks fine from the outside but on the inside – Dang!...

04/29/23 - 04/30/23

Numbers 26-30


We will dive into the "new generation" heading into the land of Promise! It's a new day for them. It requires reorganization. A new census, some...

05/06/23 - 05/07/23

Numbers 31


Question: Should parents let kids behave however they want to? (i.e.- “You do you.”). Is that loving? This weekend we are going to...

05/13/23 - 05/14/23

Numbers 32


Several tribes of Israel wanted to remain on the other of the river. It’s a better place for livestock. That’s make sense, right? Well,...

05/20/23 - 05/21/23