Endure To The EndMULTIPLY

Have you ever been tempted to quit on Jesus? Maybe you've found yourself discouraged in sharing the gospel or being servant-minded in a...

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Zechariah 2


Do you think things just happen randomly, or is God deeply involved in designing our future? We find in the third vision this week, that God is...

04/24/21 - 04/25/21

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 16:21-28

The Kingdom Has Come

“Kill that fly already! Did you take out the trash? What is this now? Do I have poison ivy on me? Who left a mess in the bathroom? My jeans...

08/15/20 - 08/16/20

Into the Light Part 3 John 17:20-26

Into the Light

If I were honest, left to myself, I would live my life entirely self-absorbed…but I’m not sure that it would achieve what I really long for. ...

04/13/19 - 04/14/19

Into the Light Part 2 John 17:6-19

Into the Light

How do we reflect God’s glory to others? It certainly is not done by impressive strokes of Christian service, or by smiles and glorious...

04/06/19 - 04/07/19

Mark 8:31-9:13

The Servant King

What expectations did you bring to the Christian experience? Have you ever had your expectations of something blown out of the water? In the...

04/28/18 - 04/29/18