Hope 2024Advent 2024

We are not in control. It’s a raw feeling, and it leads to fear and despair. The alternative for us, is to trust that this child that is...

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Behold The King of Glory | Advent Week 2: Peace

Behold the King of Glory | Advent 2021

At times I can tend to imagine worst case scenarios. If I’m not careful, a situation can ‘own’ me before it has even come to pass. It robs...

12/04/21 - 12/05/21

Zechariah 8


God’s is a love story! Chapter 7 helped us to understand that we worship and love Him because He first loved us. Our love and attention is an...

06/05/21 - 06/06/21

Peace 2019

Advent 2019

Why does it seem at times like the Christmas experience is anything but peaceful? Perhaps it exacerbates the fact that we have tensions, turmoil,...

12/07/19 - 12/08/19

The Radical Joy of God | Part 6 Matthew 5:9-10

The Radical Joy of God

When it comes to conflict, are you more of an “avoider” or and “aggressor”? Do you think that we should always “turn the other...

06/01/19 - 06/02/19


You Shall Be Mine

The tree is up. You’re sitting fireside, enjoying the glow of dimmed lights and quiet music. For a moment you get a sense of peace and then...

12/08/18 - 12/09/18

Ecclesiastes 9:11-11:6

The Search For Meaning | Ecclesiastes

Advent. Prince of Peace! Why am I not feeling it? Instead of peace, anxious weeds keep sprouting in my mind. Anxiety stems from a combination of...

12/09/17 - 12/10/17