Endure To The EndMULTIPLY

Have you ever been tempted to quit on Jesus? Maybe you've found yourself discouraged in sharing the gospel or being servant-minded in a...

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Proverbs | Work


You will likely work 80-100,000 hours in your lifetime. Why do you do it? It is just a necessary evil, or do you want to retire early, or does...

08/07/21 - 08/08/21

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 21:18-32

The Kingdom Has Come

Play-acting! Living under the pretense of something you are not. How easy it is for us to do that. It seems that God took away Israel’s...

10/24/20 - 10/25/20

Clash of Kingdoms | Matthew 21:1-17

The Kingdom Has Come

Perhaps a better question than “Who are you voting for?” is, “What are you fighting for?” As tensions rise getting closer to our...

10/17/20 - 10/18/20

Upside Down Kingdom | Matthew 20:17-34

The Kingdom Has Come

Big Idea: If you want to be great, you need to walk in humility “Humility is a strange thing, the minute you think you have it you’ve lost...

10/10/20 - 10/11/20

The Kingdom Declared | Matthew 7:1-14

The Kingdom Has Come

“Don’t judge me man!” (An increasingly popular phrase). When Jesus tells us, “Judge not, that you be not judged...” (Matt. 7:1) does...

03/14/20 - 03/15/20

PW Gopal

Stand Alone or Special Guests

This weekend we have a special guest joining us. PW Gopal will be leading our services. PW is a gifted storyteller and musician. He has a...

06/15/19 - 06/16/19


You Shall Be Mine

In our story, two of Aaron’s sons offer unauthorized incense and the Presence of God takes them out (Lev. 10)! What? Is the God of the Old...

11/10/18 - 11/11/18

Mark 11:1-25

The Servant King

This weekend involves the humility of Christ and the challenge for us to be like Him. Eating *“humble pie” can be frightful or fruitful! ...

06/02/18 - 06/03/18