On the last day of 1999 I flew from New York to Vienna. The plane was almost empty, so I stretched out on five seats and just slept the night away! What the news media had projected about Y2K never happened. Computers didn’t crash and neither did planes.
Conversely, what God says, does happen! He has proven His words throughout history. This weekend we are going to look at the power of future! I can use the future image of the return of Christ to propel me forward.
Pastor Bobby
P.S.- FYI- For our members we will end the services a bit early this weekend to keep you informed on the latest plans for future growth (pending the return of Christ).
DOWNLOAD STUDY GUIDEAfter growing up overseas and serving as a missionary in Austria, God has developed in Bobby a love and passion for teaching and sharing the Word of God. It is exciting to see God at work globally and how Scripture changes lives. In 2007, he and his wife, Jen, along with their 3 children joined CFC, and soon after the Lord led him into the position of Lead Pastor.