
Men’s Ministry provides healthy community and opportunities for men to grow deeper in their relationships with God and one another.


To invest in and equip men to become Committed Followers of Christ who leave a Godly legacy


To provide excellent events and resources to help men to Connect, Fortify, and Commit:

  • Connect with other men and the Living God
  • Fortify Men to be Godly Leaders
  • Commit to Mentoring

If you have questions or would like to get involved in serving with CFC Men’s Ministry, contact the Men’s Ministry Director using the contact form at the bottom of this page.


Matthew 22:37 God commands us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is an extremely important and high calling that requires other men to help us with our journey. Even in the Bible we see examples. Men of great character were in mentoring relationships. Jethro was a mentor to Moses and Moses mentored Joshua, The disciples were mentored by Jesus, and Barnabas was the Apostle Paul’s mentor. Do you have that person in your life, mentoring you in your relationship with Jesus? If not, this is your time to learn more about CFC Men’s Ministry mentoring. Request more information HERE.

Weekly Bible Studies

Men gather each week at CFC to connect and dig into God’s word. We have one group that meets Wednesday evenings and one group that meets Friday mornings. Our focus for both is on encouraging and learning with each other. We discuss what God’s Word has to say and how to apply it. Our goal is to help men put Christ first in their everyday lives.

Men's Breakfasts

Once a quarter men at CFC gather at CFC on a Saturday morning for a time of fellowship, a delicious breakfast, and a keynote speaker. We choose relevant topics that speak well to both those mature in their faith and those new to Christianity. This is a casual event and great opportunity to invite a friend, family member, or co-worker.

Annual Fall Retreat

God calls us to so much more than simply investing time in our career, family, and the daily grind of life. The Men’s Ministry Fall Retreat is an opportunity for men to take a step back, spend time in nature, enjoy fellowship and learn from godly teaching. This impactful weekend leaves room for times of solitude and plenty of outdoor fun!

Upcoming Events

​If you want to stay in the loop about CFC Men’s Ministry’s upcoming events and see this year’s calendar of events visit our Ministry Landing Page.


CFC Future Growth

Get filled in on how CFC is growing!
