Kristin Hershey is in our Volunteer Spotlight this week! Kristin has been attending CFC for over 7 years! She has served in Women’s Ministry as a small group leader and as a greeter in our Frontline Ministry. Recently Kristin began volunteering in the 5th and 6th grade classroom as part of Student Ministry. Find out what Kristin loves most about volunteering at CFC below!
Best part of volunteering: One of the (many) best parts of volunteering is having the opportunity to utilize my skills and strengths that I don’t often get to use during this season of stay-at-home motherhood. I love how many connections I have made through getting involved! I am thankful for how God has worked in my life through serving our church body.
Hardest part of volunteering: It really is a joy to serve! The accountability of being a small group facilitator with the women’s bible study has been so helpful for me in staying on track.
Why do you serve/think it’s important to serve in the church?: The saying, “to have a friend, you have to be a friend” comes to mind. I am so appreciative of all that CFC does to support us in being committed followers of Christ! I am proud that I get to share, in a very small way, in the responsibility of making things happen.
Favorite Verse: I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength
Philippians 4:13
Something people at CFC may not know about you: I grew up right down the road from Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA (and it will always hold a special place in my heart)
Kristin, we love serving with you! You are a blessing to so many and you stand out for the joyful and helpful way you do it! Thank you for being PLUGGED IN at CFC!