Hey CFC. Let us know if you need a boat to get to church this week!
Please remember to pray for Refugees and for our Kid’s Camp coming up July 30th -Aug. 3rd.
I could never do justice to the story of the cross. Let’s pray that God will speak to us through His word this weekend. Crucifixions were banned by the 4th Century A.D. because of the “excruciating” agony they caused. Jesus suffered such physical, emotional and spiritual anguish. Why? Could He not have died an easier, faster death? I believe the cross speaks of the hideous weight of our sin and the depth of God’s love for us. His love was demonstrated on the cross emphatically, unequivocally and personally for every one of us. May you never get over the fact that Jesus loves you!
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Pastor Bobby
DOWNLOAD STUDY GUIDEAfter growing up overseas and serving as a missionary in Austria, God has developed in Bobby a love and passion for teaching and sharing the Word of God. It is exciting to see God at work globally and how Scripture changes lives. In 2007, he and his wife, Jen, along with their 3 children joined CFC, and soon after the Lord led him into the position of Lead Pastor.