I’m surprised!
I don’t “radiate” God’s manifest glory to others in ways I would assume. It certainly is not done by impressive strokes of Christian service, or by smiles and glorious times.
How do we reflect God’s glory to others?
This weekend we get to lean in and listen to a private prayer as Jesus talks to the Father and prepares for the cross.
What we learn may surprise you.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Pastor Bobby
P.S.- Please prayerfully consider inviting a friend to one of the Easter services.
DOWNLOAD STUDY GUIDEAfter growing up overseas and serving as a missionary in Austria, God has developed in Bobby a love and passion for teaching and sharing the Word of God. It is exciting to see God at work globally and how Scripture changes lives. In 2007, he and his wife, Jen, along with their 3 children joined CFC, and soon after the Lord led him into the position of Lead Pastor.