CFC And The Center

Bobby Parschauer  |  News  |  Community

A healthy church is not a perfect church but it is a learning church. In Proverbs 15, we are instructed that wise people seek guidance. As CFC Leadership seeks to improve the health and effectiveness of its ministry, the leadership has decided to continue its partnership with The Center. The Center is a premiere non-profit consulting firm serving faith based organizations.

Today’s ministry environment is challenging and complex. As good stewards, it is vital that we make wise decisions and utilize our resources to their fullest potential. In order for us to lead well, sometimes it is necessary to seek spiritual counsel from an objective third party. The Center exists for just such occasions.

We here at CFC are experiencing some exciting days. In order to provide the best leadership possible, we need to listen, learn, and then provide leadership that properly reflects the heart of the people and the will of God. We will be setting aside a few minutes in our service on Saturday, September 15th and Sunday, September 16th to facilitate a congregational paper survey. Every congregation member’s input is valuable! We want to hear from you, to assess the effectiveness of our ministry! If you plan to be away the weekend of September 15th & 16th, please come to the church office during normal office hours to complete a paper survey by Wednesday, September 19th.

Throughout this process, please feel free to contact CFC leadership with any questions you might have. And please remember to pray for us.

Growing Together,

Bobby & Jason

Bobby Parschauer

Senior Teaching Pastor

After growing up overseas and serving as a missionary in Austria, God has developed in Bobby a love and passion for teaching and sharing the Word of God. It is exciting to see God at work globally and how Scripture changes lives. In 2007, he and his wife, Jen, along with their 3 children joined CFC, and soon after the Lord led him into the position of Lead Pastor.