1 Corinthians 9:24-10:13Gospel Transformation

What would you say to someone who says that you are only a Christian because of your parents or your background? Can you be born into...

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1 Thessalonians 1:4-10


What does it mean to be “…loved by God…” (1 Thess. 1:4a)? How do we reconcile that with our afflictions? Perhaps being loved by God has...

01/26/19 - 01/27/19

1Thessalonians 1:1-3


Have you noticed the temperature of rhetoric rising in our country? People have strong opinions ranging from politics to religion, sexuality and...

01/19/19 - 01/20/19


Stand Alone or Special Guests

Extrovert: “Solitude is punishment.” Mother of young children: “Solitude would be wonderful.” Choleric: “I meet God when I am actively...

01/12/19 - 01/13/19

Caring Relationships

Stand Alone or Special Guests

Whenever a new year rolls around I get a little reflective. I try to ask, “What does God really care about…?” I know God is love, and as a...

01/05/19 - 01/06/19

Resolution Realignment

Stand Alone or Special Guests

Happy 2019! The new year brings an exciting sense of fresh beginnings. At the same time, most resolutions begin with the wrong end in mind, and...

12/29/18 - 12/30/18

A Love Like This

Christmas Eve 2018 | A Love Like This

Merry Christmas! I’m so excited about the Christmas Eve services coming up! Please pray about inviting someone to one of them. I’m going to...

12/23/18 - 12/24/18

Joy & Vows

You Shall Be Mine

Twenty-five years ago, on Christmas Eve, I asked Jen to marry me! I was ready to make a wedding vow based on the value I saw in her. It’s...

12/15/18 - 12/16/18


You Shall Be Mine

The tree is up. You’re sitting fireside, enjoying the glow of dimmed lights and quiet music. For a moment you get a sense of peace and then...

12/08/18 - 12/09/18


You Shall Be Mine

What is hope? “Hope you have a nice Christmas.” “I hope it all works out for you.” Hope in the Bible is deeper than that. More like...

12/01/18 - 12/02/18

Rest and Remembrance

You Shall Be Mine

We will cover the Jewish feasts in Leviticus 23. You may be unaware, but they teach us how to cope with life. Really? Yes! God built into the...

11/24/18 - 11/25/18

Moral Code

You Shall Be Mine

As we continue to look into Leviticus and God’s covenant with the nation of Israel, we see some of the moral and behavioral requirements he gave...

11/17/18 - 11/18/18


You Shall Be Mine

In our story, two of Aaron’s sons offer unauthorized incense and the Presence of God takes them out (Lev. 10)! What? Is the God of the Old...

11/10/18 - 11/11/18


You Shall Be Mine

We are deeply loved by God. However, since Adam and Eve we are independent of God. So the story of Israel being led out into a desert to...

11/03/18 - 11/04/18


You Shall Be Mine

Why is confession such a painful topic when it is actually a gift from God? God knows that we need purification and restitution, and that is why...

10/27/18 - 10/28/18


You Shall Be Mine

You are unique. You are loved. You belong! God has placed the need to know Him and be known by Him in all of us. The story of Israel, is really...

10/20/18 - 10/21/18


You Shall Be Mine

Leviticus is the concealed story of Jesus. It will add depth and understanding to the grand love story between you and God. Exodus ends with the...

10/13/18 - 10/14/18

Jonah | The Epilogue


What if God asked you to go to “That guy”? Or “That girl”? Ananias was just going along and doing his thing and God spoke to him in a...

10/06/18 - 10/07/18

Jonah 4


I thought the story was over. Nineveh was wicked. Jonah ran away. God pursued Jonah. Jonah preached. Nineveh repented. The end. Chapter...

09/29/18 - 09/30/18

Jonah 3


This chapter accounts for the greatest awakening recorded in the Bible. It was a simple five-word message that Jonah shared when 120,000 people...

09/22/18 - 09/23/18

Vision Sunday


When we are captured by the love of Jesus, His love begins to “compel” or drive us (2 Cor. 5:14)! We start to see the world from God’s...

09/15/18 - 09/16/18