CFC is in the midst of a three-year emphasis of sharpening one another in order to multiply ministry. To accomplish that, we are placing an active, collective, and prayerful emphasis on Knowing God, Being Known by God, and Making God Known through the EQUIP initiative.
We will increase biblical literacy by helping people to understand, engage, and teach the Bible as a unified story that points to Jesus.
CFC is committed to providing access to resources that foster engagement with the Bible; because we believe in the transforming power of Scripture. We will equip and entrust leaders within our congregation to teach the Word of God.
We will foster a sense of healthy community that encourages deep friendships, spiritual growth, and serving one another during life’s challenges.
CFC places a very strong emphasis on life in community, and encourages all attendees to be active in a Community Group. These tightly-knit small communities serve as a place for growth, mentoring, encouragement, and accountability. These are the types of relationships that nourish and challenge us at the same time.
We will advance our missional mindset by sharing the Gospel and equipping congregation-led ministries to reach vulnerable populations.
CFC is deeply committed to outreach – in Lancaster County and on a global basis. The world desperately needs the hope of Jesus Christ…we need to do all that we can to help with that mission.